Separate names with a comma.
Only the Developers do.
damn straight Glenn.
my caps lock was jammed cookie...
I am actually not a female reaper. Get it right. Just because my avatar is a female that does not mean I am a female you dumbass! Look at...
Fail troll much reaper?
You obviously haven't seen my Barrett M99, Walther WA2000 or Chey-Tac Intervention.
Yay new gifts and permanent items
If I was very very dumb or a female I would know. I am neither dumb nor a female. So get your facts straight reaper. You obviously know...
I know I have a female avatar. That doesn't mean I'm a female dumbass.
Reaper, get your facts right. I am a male you stupid person.
If I couldn't talk then why am I a former military sniper? please explain.
There is a massive difference between talking and texting/typing.
No, I am not stupid unlike you reaper.
͟ ͟ ͟ ͟
YOU CANNOT GET THE GENTLEY GTR 5000 AS A GIFT! It is a permanent item and costs 10,000,000,000.
Please get off the forums.
I can buy the gentley
I have no credits star... And I already have the heels.