Separate names with a comma.
Rosaline; - laughs - Cool.. Well I have to go and train, see you around. - gets up and waves - Bye! - slowly walks into the building and try's to...
Rosaline; - sees Cruz - So, your a sporty guy are you? - smiles and sits on the grass -
Rosaline; - walks outside campus and takes a look around -
Rosaline; - finds her way to her dorm and quickly gets changed into a white blouse, black leggings and black dolly shoes- That'll do.. - checks...
( what day is it?) Rosaline; Martial Arts, Speed and Flexibility.. In other words Karate, Taekwondo, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Gymnastics. Yours is?
Rosaline; hmm.. If your clever then I think you are a geek.. - leans in - no matter what rank you are. - straights back up and walks down the...
Rosaline; ohh.. So your sort of a smarty, geek person then? - smiles -
Rosaline; how long have you been here for? - continues looking around in Amazment -
Rosaline; Ok.. - looks around - this place looks huge.:
( scrap the 'lets go' bit.. Let's just say I caught up with you.. )
Rosaline; - sighs - Well I guess I will see you around.. Need to go and sort out my stuff.. - rolls eyes - bye. - smiles and waves. Then turns and...
Rosaline; - rolls eyes and turns back around - you know, that's who.. - laughs -
Rosaline; - turns around - what's so funny? - laughs and taps foot -
Rosaline; - puts her hand up behind her back - shhh a minute! I am socialising! - focus' her attention back to Cruz - so what are you then?
Rosaline; your a shy one then are you? - laughs -
Rosaline; - turns around and looks at Cruz - Hello! - smiles -
Rosaline; - jumps in fright - Thanks.. - laughs - I am such a day dreamer..
( sorry I missed loads) Rosaline; - stands outside the building looking at it, and starts walking towards it, not taking her eyes off of it -
Thank you Spikey!
Sour Pencil Rosaline 18 [img] Personality; Not very serious, always likes to mess around and meet new people. Very confidant and likes to look...