Separate names with a comma.
"No one better troll me or I'll beat your ass." ? Please tell me how you're going to do that over a phone?
Oh. You'll fuck all of us? So you're bisexual?
Those are some lovely asterisks.
? I've never seen snow
I know you were someone's ass candy in prison ?
Aren't you the guy who "went to prison" and is looking for girls who like bad boys?
What the hell is censoring your eyes going to do?
You need to get your tutor back on the leash :roll:
You can gag on my dick ;) This thread
Not really.
Rip out your g-spot? K.
A guy's prostate — the walnut-size gland under his bladder — is the ultimate magic button to push if you want to blow his mind in bed. To...
Oh dear god.