Separate names with a comma.
That's nice... how about a drop down for multiple gift sending? That would spectacular. Is that in the making?
303 keys later... finally the Dark Fairy avatar...
Ata ata ata.. original as the helvetica avi which was the spitting image of the hipster Ariel photo?? What happened to the originality guy, did he...
That's what I thought, too.
ATA has gotten lazy with these events. They post a picture about the hunt's gifts... but nothing explaining them? Or possible stats? Come on, ATA....
Omg... yes! It's absolutely delish... I recommend...
Of course... A1 flavor all the way!!!
And nevermind it being BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH... Let's applaud the vegetarians for making that choice to not to eat meat... sounds about right.
Just so you know... I'm reading this while I eat a juicy Whopper with bacon and cheese from Burger King. Thank you for being a vegetarian... that...
Your club rules are ridiculous... "MUST HIT ON ALL PARTIES" Really? ALL parties? That's a bit unrealistic, don't you think so?
Omg... I la la love it! I don't know why anyone said it was childish... I REMEMBER playing Sonic on the Sega Genesis when I was younger and loving...
I like how PIMD no longer takes the time to tell us what each item is... or the stats of each item... it's pretty much like, "Go on... run along...
UNYMN is checking fake art 101.
UNYMN is trying Dumpster Dive.
Thank you.
Thank you, Jiggy... LadyDynamite also walled me with her awesome self. :D You both rock.
Regular Party of the Day? Anyone?