Separate names with a comma.
I love hostile forums
My user is floccinaucinihilipilification No support
I'm a peaceful person. I have a shield up
I want a drunk intellectual girl to chat with
I don't trust you with girl stats. No support
Go away
3 ish years. We had a wave where the mods went wild locking and silencing in forums, kinda killed it for us
No support
If a game depresses you...
Sounds neat, how can I learn more?
Ye. They're new as you and I both said, never did I say they're not a forumer. Just that as a new person they cannot speak for forums as a whole....
The only thing you can do is learn from your mistake. It's your fault you got scammed
Re: [CONTEST] Glam for Camp! No support
Stop your caps ^
Snitch ass stacey
Sell them cocaine so they snort safely
Good riddance
Didja see I'm no longer a forumer because I don't login daily?