Separate names with a comma.
LOL, naw I don't think I'm a badass. Do you think you're a badass because you started this fail attempt at tolling those of us at PIMD? Like I...
And where did I claim to be a badass? "Please quote that for me." Again, more projection. Hun, you might want to talk to someone about your...
Bobilly, you pwar? They don't even work here. When the market stabilizes, try volleying more. You earn cash quicker.
You sure like to call people dumbasses. Projection maybe?
I said only fail players here pwar. I prefer to actually work for my money, which includes actual wars and occasionally farming those that pwar....
Damnit, bbcode fail. Again*
Again, and when you replied saying that, I wasn't talking about KaW in the first place. Again, all replies after you KaW comment, starting with me...
I'm bisexual, actually. And sure bobilly, we have plenty of icing.
Oh my gods, lub how are you still not comprehending what I'm typing? Everything I've been typing since then has been due to your idiotic reply....
Bobilly* sorry It's okay, I do have actual icing in my apartment though. My ex-girlfriend was baking last night.
Lub, read what I said, once again. I kept saying here, referring to PIMD, when talking about pwars. You then reply with "KaW got rid of pwars....
And sorry, I don't use google for insults. Moron and idiot are just two basic words. No need to research to use them as insults. But I have seen...
How can I quote something you never said. Again, READ WHAT I ACTUALLY TYPE. And yes, I am responding quickly. I'm icing my neck, so I can't...
I'm the one who said here. You're the one who translates that into KaW. Oh my gods you're moronic. And yes, I am a bitch. Thanks for...
Lub. Here. Here.. Here. Here is PIMD. Not KaW. Bloody moron, read what I type before talking to me. And yes, I know what epic battles are....
Like I said, fail players participate in pwars here. I prefer to work for my money. Which involves real wars, and occasionally farming those in...
KaW was also the one to have pwars the longest. Pwars would still be going on in KaW if you were able. WC was nothing but pwar advertisement.
KaW? You guys can't exactly talk about having pwars. The majority of our wars are real. Only a select few fail players participate in pwars here.
Sure that was a dare. Gtfo Jason or whatever your name is.
Shit. Ignore that. I meant to put