Separate names with a comma.
CMD tricks.. Ahh I love it
PiMD star isn't as good as Boos News after my voting thread
Mine was 250 jumping jacks before they wake up and wipe all the sweat off and say u got out of the shower and didnt use shampoo
The only person who isn't a noob is bunny or the person who made this thread because he actually made layouts compared to u people just picking...
My parents know that trick but I'll try it out ..
I hope u noobs relize in order to create a gang fast u would have to use IRL money because I ganentee you if you dont ur "members" will probaly...
For me it's either 30mins or tommorw night
Like a lamp?
What is hsh?
Can u guys please tell me ur tricks to miss school?
That's why im quitting this because FC admins are more active
Start off with a boo news
No me UnOffical Boo's Helper
Cookie your welcome
Whats funny is it just came out 5 mins ago