Separate names with a comma.
I like and love Kittens....
Hes a crayon
Hire me though
Im just a small amount over 1 bil
I am a European, forks are easier to use since we can grasp a large amount of ramen.
I did not blacken the ramen because my sis made it and thank you Una.... Chopsticks are to hard to use.
I have no life, I need friends also. Please help me be social in real life and give me guides to making friends
I was stabbed by a fork. This fork is about 1'2. I was eating ramen noodles straight out the cup and I decided to stab my cup not thinking of the...
Im still playing the game
I love the 5 bil job because I won 5 bil and 10 dn.... I blew it all on tuts and dorms . I felt like a boss though since i was 5 bil richer.
I wish I was a groundhog, people would actually want to see me.
When I saw the prices of how much it costed to upgrade t5, I got a heart attack.
Spitfire is a cool person, I wanna be spitfire. One day he will rule the world.
He said Newbie not noob. You can dv ME. If you like. Im gonna blow the money wisely
Divorce papers *
I be there to see them sign the divorce slips
I guess
I want to join that club
That's the reason why I hate people, I had to ride the short bus and cheese bus to school til I reached 5th grade.