Separate names with a comma.
Still cute? so, did you guys live in different states and then meet up?
Tell us how you met, butt face??
Sorry, I literally thought It was 6? I forgot how to count apparently But 5?
So wait... You guys met up without seeing what each other looked like first? That's a little weird
Normally people only get caught if someone reports them?? I got banned because someone reported me bypassing nude pics? it's pretty stupid
I'm a party fairy; idk how to farm on this game. I'm pretty damn good at planting crops like carrots and tomatoes, though.
You're sleazy enough for me, girl?
Well Zoee and Noell are my middle names but I only go by Zoee because I don't like my real first name. I also have another middle name my name...
Zoee? with two e's because my parents are complicated and couldn't just keep one e
Two words
That moment when you fart and it's actually poop
I think you need to take a few therapy sessions??
But... Your farts smell ? like roses