Separate names with a comma.
CONTEST OVER! i have now liked the three winner’s posts! you guys all had amazing rooms! enjoy your crates 🦋
Hi everyone! I hope you are all keeping well in these troubling times. I have a quick contest that I think may be fun - you decorate your room in...
lets go emos lets go!
The important question - will I get a Hyrdo Flask stat item?
I’m all for the idea, I just worry about the inappropriate pictures we’d all accidentally stumble upon when checking forums...
No thanks! Just trade shards.
You have the option to hit players who’s stats are also below yours though, getting pinned by bigger players was surely a possibility you’d have...
Any public platform, so Campus, Walls, Forums, Pub And Status Messages. Private Messages and Club Chat aren’t moderated.
This has derailed into a somewhat racist debate, so I’ll be locking! But also, support for Mother’s Day avis, perhaps not pregnant ones but I like...
I’m either 5’3 or 5’4. Depending on the shoes.
Locked as per OP’s request
support-ish. I don't see a real need for it, but I wouldn't complain if we had it?
No one is saying that everyone who isn’t supporting this idea, believes that. From context, there’s been one person (I believe) who’s somewhat...
Re: ⭐️BB Coding Guide 2.0⭐️ the quick links. heart eyes. ty, i sometimes forget a code and this’ll make it so much easier.
omg i should have specified. i’m from the uk! scotland to be exact!
If the post was in any way defamation of the alleged scammer, it breaks Terms of Use, therefore you’d have been rightfully silenced! Thankfully it...
It’s not really celebrated here but there’s been a few house/garden parties happening where I live. It’s like the Fourth of July here, not...
Can I be removed from roster pls?
omg big support. there’s an avi with a girl holding her dog which is super cute but more pls n thank.