Separate names with a comma.
Legacy social boxes are updated each time the regular social boxes are you can see the most recent additions here
There’s no official information about it yet it’s just a preview of things to come ☺️
I love this! I’m so glad it’s not full of bunnies as usual I love the difference
You can find the silencing policy here, I recommend reading it to avoid further silences. Anything sexual that mentions young/younger without...
you only contacted them a couple of hrs ago, give them some time. You’ll receive a notification when they reply to your message
Yes on the pimd app not the pimd forums
To send a help ticket press the cog in the top left of the main app and select help and chat with us
The devs are aware of the current issue regarding the cash story pass, no update on when it will be fixed as of yet
Tradeable will be sold in campus/pub for bentos once traded it should start automatically If it doesn’t automatically start force close and...
The best way to bring it to their attention is through the help system, they don’t regularly check forums threads so will most likely miss it....
I’ve never had an issue with the game not responding, are you playing on mobile or using a clone app? If not then it seems that it is an issue on...
I believe the minimum drops from a regular hunt box should be 200, the lite boxes are 50. If you’re only getting 50 from regular boxes I’d mention...
Considering you’re in a dirty rp club the rules are 18+ as that’s the legal age of consent, 17 isn’t legal. So yes, in terms of posting a banner...
They’re still looking into the issue, no exact time on when it will be fixed as of yet
Bottom left are box, bottom right are lb the rest are story
I’ve got it in mine after updating my app yesterday, so is say keep an eye out for updates but there’s no specific info available on it yet
For that particular party I believe it’s around 7mcs but I may be a little off as I can’t find the ss I had, I’d also recommend using your...
Your stats aren’t high enough to hit haute couture which is the party your club is currently doing, you’d have better luck with value market/high...
Most likely starting changeover Friday - Monday Edit: it is today - Monday