Separate names with a comma.
Wooooo !!!!
I bet you this won't work..
Rani! Genius!! Close this RP down now, please.
Awh! I used to love Barney!!
This is a good idea but try to add more onto the Skelton.
Prince Van! Ian already has someone..
Mhmmm... Read stuff before accusing people, please.
Sorryyy... I don't keep tabs on people who create RP's... My bad..
Haha. What makes me laugh is that your in the wrong but your still acting like you know it all.
Haha.. Who wanted to kill me as soon as they saw is thread?
You said you were going to continue with it.. And I am trying to prove a point as is Hawk.. So... Y'know....
Helllooooo... So now I have your attention. I would like to address a re-accruing problem with RP's... (Awh, look at me being all poshhhh) So...
Unique?? Sorry I don't mean to be rude but it is defiantly not unique. There has been way to many versions of this. So I suggest you let this...
Ummm... Please say it in a way,shape and form that we can understand?
Ummm... Under the sea - The Little Mermaid Part of your world - The Little Mermaid The Circle of life - Lion King Be our guest - Beauty and The...