Separate names with a comma.
Crystal; Wow, you've lost her already? - chuckles - What does she look like then? - sighs - I usually don't help people, your lucky.
Crystal; - stumbles and glares at Arktum - DO YOU MIND!? - she soaked through her teeth and taps her foot impatiently -
Crystal; -pulls my hood up over my head and walks around looking for someone to talk to-
Crystal; - pinches the sides of her dress and continues to walk around, examining all of the contestants -
Crystal; - looks around to where Arktum is jumping about - Wow.. There is a psychopath in every bunch. -shakes her head and looks away -
Crystal; - stops walking and looks around at some other contestants and chuckles to herself - This should be fun.. - bites her lip and laughs -
Crystal; - starts aimlessly walking around the building, staring at its magnificence - (️)
Crystal; - stand there looking at the amazing building -
( Yah! ?)
Hurry up
Can we start??
Name; Crystal Age: 19 Bio; Crystal had an easy childhood, loving parents and a little sister. However, when she was a child, she didn't know...
Well.. Just read this whole story. I am so scared right now, like.. Really scared
I hope this works
I will john later?
Good luck!!!