Separate names with a comma.
Crystal; -climbs back up the tree, finding the perfect branch to perch herself on- You distract them from down there. I will get up here so I have...
Crystal; -holds out her hand flat, as an ice spear forms in the palm of her hand. After it has finished forming she takes a firm grip and smirks...
Crystal; - sighs and jumps down from the tree - Why don't you just make weapons.. So when they come, you can spear them - smiles -
Crystal; - sits on a thick branch in the tree - you guys having fun down there? -chuckles-
Crystal: you are an idiot!
Crystal; - jumps in fright and quickly turns around - What the hell!?!?
Crystal; -laughs at snow- Well, I guess we will find out.. Won't we, little one. - walks off laughing to herself -
Crystal; - walks past barging Ark and waves her hands up in the air - Oh no. He has a knife. - laughs at the sarcasm in her voice -
Crystal; - sighs knowing Ark is right - Fine, let move out.
Crystal; - stares at Ark and slowly walks towards him - Look, I will help.. But this does NOT mean that we are a "team" or "friends". Got it? -...
Crystal; woww.. -laughs- You are something.. Aren't you. -chuckles to herself-
Crystal; wow.. So your judgemental and patronising.
Crystal; - steps back slightly and looks at everyone. - Well, that's what you were implying.
Crystal; -taps her foot impatiently-
Crystal; -laughs- I am fully aware of that. - she pushes her shoulders back and extends her neck- Just because I am a lady, doesn't mean I can't...
Crystal; -turns around quickly, shocked- Umm.. Hi. -smiles awkwardly and waves-
Crystal; -walks around cautiously and quietly-
Crystal; -sighs- Fine, I will go on my own then.. - walks off in search for the beasts-
Crystal; -grabs Ark's arm- She will be fine! She is probably in the building somewhere! It's not like she would go venturing without you, is it?...