Separate names with a comma.
Lmao. Nephy tht was for nothing
Drac, NoOver thr is the restroom
Ooppss i was typing too fast
squeaking a chair
Kinda not the whole world, I bet 90% percent of noobs dont kno how to get to Forums
buddies? not friends? whats the difference? is buddies secondary?
Idk, I thought we were friends right?
Whatsss uppp Babeeeyy
U mean, How am i a close friend?
How is close friend? Thats gramatically incorrect.
Thank you? Lmaoo What A Tool
lmao Olivia
Oh well, That sucks...Cuz i thought ya did, after u told me u had feelings for me an all. I thought we couldve became close friends. Eek Sucks...
Nope. I definatly see a spark Big one too
Oh You knew i was kiddin...Dontcha kno me by NOW
Awww Nephys Gf How awkward