Separate names with a comma.
"One time I let a goat lick my penis in the petting zoo" -That kid in the Campaign
Depends on their ability to comprehend and know what's good or wrong. Not all kids will grow up physcopathic if they play video games. I've been...
If you ever read ToU, it states that 13 year olds can play with parental supervision. If they are under that age limit they are breaking ToU and...
Lol, always had since it came out. Still thirsty people on WC asking for carats and cat parties?
Purple Names?
I've went inactive for a while, for experimental purposes. Since Ive been gone Ive noticed many changes withing the 5 months of inactivity. Can...
No this is fucking bullshit. Stop making it Drake.
My teachers never taught me a thing. I went into Highschool as a dumbass and left as a even bigger dumbass.
Any of you guys remembered this 1 sheet of paper that determined if would get a whooping or not, this sheet was called a report card. Depending...
You all started it with your hate threads.
All of the above
I work for twerk assossiation too.
Chief Keef is a great rapper, we love music with mumbled words and words all munched up with each other.
I still want Charlie the Unicorn
I have 10 potatoes, #STACKINGwithPotatoes
There is no answer, the land shifts 0.000000000000000000001 mm per second.
136 miles
I have a passion for Rams, they are forceful, fearless, and dangerous.