Separate names with a comma. and this is my third and final one hope you all like them this is the right one Same saying as the one above this post "Now that proms over I'm ready for the after party" ps please fix the face
But if you are only going to give one new avi make sure it's strength intel is high and then everybody will be happy️
Agreed one male and female avi it's not our fault the glitch occurred but we do appreciate you rushing to make sure we get our items and I do...
Rehab_lllllTheJuniorlllll June 28
No you are DJ it's ok we Rehab Members think you cool
Will we*
We will get a award like we got 200 promposals for competing in the war tournament so if that's the same I will define tell join with my main
I ain't mad idc what u do but hit another rehab member then well have a problem. Especially Nora she's the sweetest of sweet
This is pointless.
When you updated the tickets you could have updated the leaderboard ?
Shouldn't it have been updated already?
Re: [EVENT CHANGE] Prom Tickets So when they combine we will lose the original items?
So guys will be gettin a girl avi? oh yea cuz that's fair
We worked hard for that