Separate names with a comma.
No drops from Jpop Pro at JD
Amf Pro @Occult
Hype Pro at MoB
Diy Pro at Pride Ad Pro at UN
Dm Pro at Tuc
Pros being tested at Changeover Jpop-JD Noodle-JJS Fa101-EG BAD-Eternity
[SPOILER] [IMG] Mysterious in Black Stories Tiers and Rewards Changeover occurs at 11 am PST || 1 pm CST ||...
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Pros being tested at Changeover Jpop-JD Noodle-JJS
Noodle Pro at MoB
Pros being tested at Changeover Arltb-EG Dm-UN Fa101-JJS Diy-Tuc Bad-Pride Amf-Occult
Bij dropped at Cocktail Lounge @Bellini
Potd hasn't found yet. Maybe wait till that happens before u start calling for next c/o
Fwp Pro dropped @JustDesires
Fa101 Pro at Pride
Pros being tested at Changeover Fwp-JD Bad-Tuc Dd-Un Noodle-Occult