Separate names with a comma.
We néed royale
Agreed Andy
Cause hé is a jerkface._.
Sophie long Time nô troll, eh?(:
*puts huggies on sophie*..
Sexy* unicorns
Andy and zoe nipple jokes OMG CACTUS(;
sexual jokes
Hé hearts himself
(: the old "real" forumers(: oh and Andy too:)
OMG GUYS MENTAL BREAKDOWN...what colour is orange....>.< i have nô idea...but i have starshaped^.^
You meaniface!!!!!!!!!!!:0 i cant believe you i nô like you:((((( Suck it hard............ Okay. Okay. You're right i cant be mean--I suck at...
I could use some amp right now thanks B) pour it up
Ohai:3 yeah im Kitten I quit and then I came back:3...but not to play...
Who me uh.......*runs out*