I like the beasts avatars the most (masc and fem) since I like these types of things and the other avatars are okay but not my favourite. There is a bug because my drops aren't moving for the last tier. I'm not a big fan of the new format as I'm someone who would prefer to go at my own pace and stuff that are long and drawn out can make me lose interest (even hunts). But maybe I'll be fine seeing it through.
Mentioned in this thread a million times already but you can't get more than 10k from just drops. you have to complete other tasks that give you drops for the last 100.
The Raven SP was the best because everyone could access it easily without much hassle, lately the SP have been disappointing :-\ I wish y'all could stop thinking about money always and actually made something enjoyable than the rush of always being first to grab something. Y'all can do atleast 1 sp free drop once a year, that would be nice!
So I have to do cat drops and all that like I see in tasks? If so, I won't participate I guess. Unless it's just one of those other tasks.
If you got cash sp you can do xc for 3 weeks as every new "task" on xc is on Thursday, but if you want full 12 weeks of sp you have to get vip, because vip sp is just extension for cash sp, its not like you're done with cash and vip one's different like with other sp we had earlier. This one's new format and its just experiment lol
You don't necessarily have to drop cats. You can open timer boxes, normal boxes, use spinner, level pets, etc
We’re not going to be getting enough gold rose coins to be able to get everything from the shop this is messed up this the math adds up to 260 gold rose coins needed to get all the Avis and the stat items
Does anyone really need ALL the avatars? I can’t be the only one with stupid numbers of them. That I never even look at.
In the NINE PAGES OF FEEDBACK there has only been one positive comment. I just read through everyone’s feedback looking for a comment from a Dev that hasn’t shown up yet. Where are the dev’s here to tell us to be patient because better things are coming in week 2? If things don’t change yall seriously don’t respect or appreciate us who pay your bills at ALL.
We spent 199 ec on this pass just to be told we can’t finish it on our own time. If this was a test run of a new, controversial format and time locked, we should’ve gotten a discount on it since we’re just a testing group clearly.
previous SP tasks required you to level up your pet or open timer boxes 8-10 times. this current format requires FIFTY timers/level ups at a measly 2pts each. and its just the first week. trash. money grab. boring. drawn out. disappointing. etc.
I look forward to story passes since coming back to playing Pimd after discarding the app in my past. But yall just made this ridiculous asf. We have to wait for weekly rewards? 🤣 if I had known this ahead of time I wouldn’t have ever purchased it for me and my 2 other friends! 🤮
So what happens if you pick scared or flirtatious? Please anyone know before i choose and almost 12000 for the second week on the cash pass is crazy i really do not like this format at all