I truly don’t know how you guys can still make the worst decisions ever. Like EVERYONE ELSE I hate this. The whole idea is horrible. Imagine having to pay for something and still have to keep paying for it throughout the whole 12 weeks. 💀 You’re always trying to make HUGE profits out of everything, just give us a break for the love of God, as if you don’t get enough money already. Stop trying to milk every single thing(!!!!!!!!!!!) Also making us wait over 2 months to get something we PAID for? I wish I knew who had this brilliant idea. You do realize we had to wait longer for this story pass, right? And right after the recycled storypass fiasco. Just leave things alone, especially the ones that have been working just fine. I also dislike all avatars, but I won’t even get into that because it’s such a disaster. All of it. You guys need to do better.
Story Pass shouldn't be mixed up with XC activities. They both should stand alone. The greediness is becoming blatant. 🤮
I already hate everything about it. The avatars are not my thing but the new format is super awful. Like the tasks wouldn't be hard enough already... And i can't even see if it's worth the money before buying cause it will take the whole duration of the post to know what the rewards will be. So i will simply not buy it.
This XC thing is annoying and stupid af. WHO thought it was a good idea? Fire them cause this ain't it. And what's up with that mustache on the last male avi? That looks atrocious. 😅 I swear y'all make male avis ugly on purpose just out of spite.
There’s not even an xc out for this.. so you release a crap story pass which the first task is the xc quest but there’s no xc quest to even do it? Like what
I think... Maybe ATA made this format to help people that were struggling to finish the other story passes? That's the only potentially good thing I'm seeing so far about the new format. It's... Interesting... But I think these things always look really bad at first, then it ends up not being as bad as it was perceived to be. Hopefully better rewards will come along later, but I hate that I feel forced the get the story pass because we won't have others who finish it in a week and tell us how it went. That's the money grab part coming out so blatantly by keeping us all at the same stage.
Same thing with the ClikClok Downey thing. We felt inclined to buy it the first day to get max rewards, but then it turned out it might not even be worth it.
Gosh, I feel bad for y'all so I'm not gonna talk trash but this isn't it. We have a wayyyyy better Beauty Avi so here we are still recycling, 🤦♀️
What if the last week release is literally hard asf💀 we all will be doomed and ending up without having the VVVIP avatar 😂😂
I know the reason you guys are locking it week by week is because you want to extend the longevity of the story pass, but it’s honestly not fun this way at all
Not even wasting my time on anything more than the cash version of the story pass. You guys made it unnecessarily overcomplicated, and drawn out on purpose. It should be up to the players (the ones who buy it ya know) to decide at what pace we finish tasks and get our rewards. Go back to normal story passes, you don't have to force new formats for everything, the old way was working perfectly fine.
Even as a f2p player, I used to be able to complete story passes. Aint doing this though. At this point, things are really disappointing now.