NEW CONTENT ๐Ÿ•บ Dani's Darling Social Box ๐Ÿ•บ

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Villanel, Dec 13, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]
    Watch Dani bring colour in the latest Social Box!





    New PUNNY Items

    Collect enough to reveal the side-splitting humour!

    All the Colours!

    These new Colour Items match your grungiest moods!

    Content Moving to the Social Legacy Box

    The following content is LEAVING THE SOCIAL BUDDY BOXES
    and moving over to the


    Tore it Up
    Well Plaid
    Tore it Up (VIP)
    Well Plaid (VIP)
    Sweeter Alternative
    Take the Grunge
    Sweeter Alternative (VIP)
    Take the Grunge (VIP)
    Plaid Habits
    Grunge Grind
    Plaid Habits (VIP)
    Grunge Grind (VIP)


    "Hangout Loft" Walls
    "Hangout Loft" Floor
    "Hangout Loft" Flower Art
    "Hangout Loft" City Window
    "Hangout Loft" Plant Shelf
    "Hangout Loft" Bedside Lamp
    "Hangout Loft" Botanical Decor
    "Hangout Loft" Bedside Table
    "Hangout Loft" Kitty Stool
    "Hangout Loft" Green Thumb
    "Hangout Loft" Frog and Dog
    "Hangout Loft" Good Boy
    "Hangout Loft" Bucket Chair
    "Hangout Loft" Bookshelf
    "Hangout Loft" Carpet
    "Hangout Loft" Bed
    "Hangout Loft" Desk
    "Hangout Loft" Tea Table
    "Hangout Loft" Snack Time
    "Hangout Loft" Window Nook

    Animal Pun Combination Items
    Watched Wristwatch
    Casino Chips
    Rent Checks
    Cut Credit Card
    Salt Shaker
    Red Party Cups

    Best Place to get Social Boxes!

    Our web store offers EC/DN bundles that give up to 3 BFF/Legacy Boxes! Check out the PIMD Web Store by tapping the image below!

    For The New Dormers

    What are Social Shopper Boxes?
    โ˜ž Colloquially known amongst the community as Buddy Boxes, Social Shopper Boxes are gift boxes that go out to a purchaser's entire club when they make certain EC or DN package purchases!

    How Do I Get One?
    You can get 'em one of two ways:

    1. Make a EC or DN package purchase yourself and receive a Box for you and for your Club Members!
    2. Receive one when someone else in your Club generously makes a EC or DN package purchase!

    You, as the purchaser, can earn one Social Shopper Box. There are four tiers, depending on which package you purchase: BFF, Super, Celebrity, OR Legend Boxes.

    Club members can receive either one of three different tiers: Buddy, Bestie, OR BFF Boxes.

    The $4.99 (USD), $19.99, $74.99, and $99.99 packs all have Social Shopper Boxes, with the buddy box being at the $19.99 value. The bigger the purchase, the sweeter the Box drops!

    K, But What's In Them?
    โ˜ž Special avatars, unique furniture, and rare items that combine into even rarer stat items. All these Box drops can only be attained through the Social Shopper Boxes!

    Check out our previous forum announcement for more information on these great Boxes!
    #1 [ATA]Villanel, Dec 13, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2024
    IIJEWELII, Kumo, Vespid and 8 others like this.
  2. I love these!
    BidiBidiBomBom, IoveIy, Kumo and 3 others like this.
  3. Thats the most dull boring looking party room ive ever seen
    0w0, Guilty, xxgabriellexx and 13 others like this.
  4. Okay umm so why these avis look like their 12 and wannabe 90s?
  5. the fem avis are so cutie
    taIia, IoveIy, Vespid and 3 others like this.
  6. Dorm is okay
    TattedMamii likes this.
  7. These are cute
    Vespid and Atlas like this.
  8. You put the wrong banner on. Nothing about this is colour or dance party. The avis are mostly grey and the dorm is mostly beige. And theres nothing that would suggest dancing or partying.

    The dorm itself is fine. Gives more furni options to add into other dorms. But it definitely does not match the banner description in any way
  9. Need the Asian girl avi
    SierraStarlet and MayaTheHopeful like this.
  10. ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ’ฏ exactly what I was thinking.

    I do love the Asian fem avi โ™ฅ๏ธ but thatโ€™s it
  11. ok y'all ate with these๐Ÿ˜ญ
  12. Looks like something we'd give to noobs.
  13. Meanwhile, my extracurriculars are all out of wack. I can't see hunt progress/rewards, and I've got two Club Furniture Challenge things I can't open.
  14. Wait wait theses are so cuteeeeee
    Raine- and Lumi like this.
  15. I actually like mostly everything. Masc avatars as well are decent this time to me. And I like the dorm.
    MayaTheHopeful and Raine- like this.
  16. iLikeThis ๐Ÿฅบ ๐Ÿ’•
  17. Good Efforts but still looking like these are avatars for newbies, Put more efforts like yew put on Monthly Avatars or Shard Avatars.
    The furniture is pretty basic.๐Ÿฅบ
    SierraStarlet and Angrykiki like this.
  18. I like it cuz it's cute,casual, urban. However, the dorm and avatars aren't giving that feeling of "dance" or Dani's personality and energy. It all feels off from the theme.
  19. I lover it so much!