UPDATE 🎃Trick or Treat This Halloween!🎃

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Oct 21, 2024.

  1. Could you explain more on the “expired candies” part? I’m not sure pvp would be a good idea because then people would target those who have a lot from flashing or completing parties
 Especially with it being difficult to get to 6k without spending and the idea of people taking away from those who are working hard doesn’t seem fair; it would’ve made it more stressful than it already is and less guaranteed you’d keep your candies. If the drops were at a higher rate, then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad for a pvp? Also, if there was a way to gain protection of the candies after reaching a certain amount then I’d be on board with it more. I think it would’ve been better if the candies themselves were trade-able instead of the bar because the candies are a guaranteed, unfortunately low, drop rate compared to the bar. However, it definitely would help more people get closer to the candy bar easier. I also think the candy bar avis definitely should’ve been 100% / 100% since they’re intended to be rare.
    Dolcezza, AdultFilmStar, Ayse and 3 others like this.
  2. It's been 2 days since any communication happened from ATA. Looks like there won't be any changes to the rules. And these rules are set to benefit BM sellers more since they gonna grind those alts for bars.
    -May-, web, Minxie and 16 others like this.
  3. Your spenders are not doing all these work just to get the avi. Your spenders will log off game, go to black market and buy either bentos or the bar itself just to get the awards. You guys are just promoting the black market more with these events.
    -May-, web, Jack and 15 others like this.
  4. Ok and what about players that can't afford to flash or spend for extra drop booster, good for you but don't project how lucky you are to others.
    -May-, web, SmolButMighty and 3 others like this.
  5. And why people shouldn't be mad and complain.
  6. And why people shouldn't be mad and complain.
  7. I think they meant make it a pvp event without the way the system is working now. Sort of like the other pvp events we get where you're collecting something and if you get hit you either don't lose any and the other person gets a reward that's exchanged for something else (generally a bit better because they participated in the event whereas if you just get hit but don't hit anyone you still can get a reward, just not the top tier), or if people pvp you, you get a variation of the drop exchanged which can be used to purchase rewards where that's actually more valuable. There's lots of story passes and hunts that have utilized that, and it works every time without any of these issues
    -May-, Mythical, Dolcezza and 3 others like this.
  8. In past events like that once you get a certain amount of whatever you're collecting they combine so they can't be "stolen". With a system like that the drop rates would be so much higher, guaranteed from the start, completely untradable (which would actually be better to stop black market selling), and something that anyone could benefit from
    -May-, Victoria, Mythical and 6 others like this.
  9. I guess something similar to the previous PvP hunt events.

    Ex. Player 1 gets attacked and loses 100 drops that then turn into expired candies (another currency that cannot be stolen) Player 1 could work toward different tiers of expired candy rewards simply by being hit. Player 2 will gain 100 drops, once they reach 1000, those drops will transform into a Halloween candy basket that isn’t able to be stolen. Players acquiring Halloween baskets will have to participate in PvP or be quick partying to progress a different set of rewards along with a LB.

    The idea they used for the candies/candy bar this hunt needs to be scrapped or majorly adjusted. I’d go with scrapped, with as much ill will as this has all caused.
  10. The best part is if they’d just made it another Halloween pvp type even
  11. not me accidentally hitting post 🗿✋ blaming ata for everything bad about my day fr. Anywayssss, the best part is if they had decided to make it another Halloween pvp type event (we have had them before with cursed dolls my first year playing), they would’ve made way more money because people would have been willing to spend on dns and ec to get the drops or hit for drops. They wouldn’t be perpetuating black market and resellers couldn’t over price the shiz out of the one drop that’s tradable because the drop rate is horrendous.
    They quite literally would have made bank as it’s something a lot of people would’ve been happy to spend on even right before bf. If you want to cash grab, yes we know it’s a business and we pay your bills, do it correctly and make it fun and rewarding FOR your community. Stop taking advantage. I get wanting to try new thing and you guys definitely need to be doing that but also bring back some fun things that have made you bank before!! We would happily spend and keep the lights on for your other projects if you just hear us out once in a while on events and things we would like to see again. Or heck even do some basic math and realize how much better this could’ve gone if you’d set an attainable goal. It isn’t rocket science. As other have stated, give us content we actually want, and we will feed you our money on a silver frickin platter.
    Also, no response is days is messed up. You “fixed” absolutely nothing with your 1-4 candy increase. Your community is crying and explaining how we feel and you’ve done absolutely no communicating. That is messed up.
    -May-, Witchee, NG and 17 others like this.
  12. This! We’re asking you to take our money, it isn’t hard. Ata, to my knowledge, has always done the absolute bare minimum when it comes to actually communicating with their community. I’d rather yall have spit in my face tbh than to get the response we did. The response was for sure copy and pasted directly from the “Generic excuse with 0 accountability.” folder.
    -May-, Witchee, Aerith and 10 others like this.
  13. I think I'm about to just give up on the candy bar avis. Even as a merc who occasionally does flashes, I can't do 500 parties a day. I'm a teacher. I'm overworked, underpaid, and exhausted in real life because I go home every night only to do even more work (without being paid), and I just don't have the time or energy to play this game the way y'all want us to.

    Even for the people who have a shitton of bentos or money to blow on the game, I imagine they're pissed too because the event feels like a pay-to-pay-more-to-barely-win.
    -May-, Witchee, MamaMilker and 24 others like this.
  14. Well, I went to a 30 invite party flash with 75 other people. From what I gathered, no one got a candy bar from the flash. The candy bar drop rate is abysmal.
    -May-, PurplePegasus, Anjo and 12 others like this.
  15. The one in the online shop bonus boxes? Because that’s free (by chance) with purchase.
  16. ATA not reading this thread and adjusting their rates & drop rates (as they have in the past so we KNOW it’s possible) is disrespectful. They just want to know how far they can push us before people quit.
  17. Care to address the community again and what solutions we have come up with? No response to the outcry past this isn't a good look
  18. As a Free-to-Play player, I'm still getting 2 Tricky Treats from POTD. :(
  19. I would have loved a pvp event đŸ€©
    easy way to get my money out of my pocket js
  20. [​IMG]
    this was the response I got when I wrote in to tell them I did not get candy even though they said it will now drop?
    Placebo and sweetietweetie like this.