LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🩷 Candy Heart Shard Box 🩷

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Feb 8, 2024.

  1. And why the male 500 one look like somebody from Willy wonka chocolate trying to be a pimp 😭 Chile
    Ayse, Gossamer and bisssshie like this.
  2. No but you did the masc Avis so dirty yet again.
    Hire a gay man or a male fashion consultant stat.
    This is embarrassing
  3. The basics look better than the VIP versions 🥴
  4. Grrah
  5. I just need ONE dev to hear us out for ONCE because you’re literally losing male players and male buyers, there’s NO way you can’t hire a damn GOOD designer for male avatars. I understand females matter too but you also have guys playing this app, and every hunt, monthly avis, shard avis the time I’ve actually seen GOOD avatars is disappointing. DO BETTER. 🧑🏾‍🦯
    Jynx, ZENNIFER, Thot_Pockets_ and 2 others like this.
  6. The black avi looks really good but i would've loved to have a version without the jacket, the beautiful dress is hidden.
  7. The pink avi’s and blue female are quite nice tbf!
  8. Honestly, I’d like the see the actual numbers on this sort of stuff. Today alone, I know of at least a handful of women who spent over $500 and more who spent over $50 for these avis and selling the roses while I know of no men spending anything (the times they do, it’s much more frugal) - this has been the case for around three years with various items and events.

    The thing is, despite the lack of customization, PIMD is essentially a dress up game. You pick something pretty, decorate a room, and run your own little world. It’s the core of what many women grew up with, so the appeal is already greater from the get go, even in cringe adverts. While I do wish they would include men properly, such as bringing back the even amount of Fem/Masc monthly avis, we can’t deny that fem things are easier to create and more receptive. When many men shit on creativity for masculine designs because they’re “too much” or somehow “feminine” despite it simply being.. fashion, it makes it all the more easier for them to leave masc avatars behind to give way for fem - and make one hell of a profit.
  9. Yeah, I mean I'm disappointed that ATA has moved onto for example 4 fem monthly avis and only 2 masc and I wish they'd go back to 3 and 3. However, it's quite likely the reason they haven't is that, despite vocal complaints from many players, having more fem avis is more profitable for them. People are more likely to vocalize their opinions when they're displeased, so I can only assume that the reason they're seemingly being ignored (regardless of whether that is "right" or "wrong") is because there is a silent majority that still purchases these things that people complain about.
    SweetAsYonii, Alan, Gossamer and 2 others like this.
  10. The guy has bewbs
  11. these kinda suck for shard avis…
    Thot_Pockets_ likes this.
  12. Thanks but no thanks😭
    Thot_Pockets_ likes this.
  13. Thank you for saving me money though 🥰
  14. Just gonna point this out too purple male shards looks like reverse lovander from Palworld

    🏃🏼‍♀️ 💨
  15. Unsurprising yet still disappointing especially the last avis ofc having to be some form of nude or sexual.. uncreative as usual
    renamed47237, bisssshie and Vixelle like this.
  16. Pink roses are the only Hotties, the red rose girl is ok but the guy's outfit is trash, the 2nd tier rose with the black girl and b00bs guy looks meh in terms of well outfit and for the last tier it's just the girl that is ok in a very familiar way
  17. Tier 1(red) fem I might get partly out of pity for not wanting the rest of the avis and partly bc pink hair/Y2K/Barbie aesthetic. Tier 2 seemed to at least have a concept of hearts on chest, but they just don't jump out at me. I do actually like Tier 3(pink) avis, but I don't feel the need to chase them since maybe it's just not my personal style? The last(blue) tier just looks goofy to me though most sexual appeal-oriented content tend to be goofy for me. Maybe simple aerial silk avis would have worked since there are multiple avis on swings that were popular. I feel like this tier was too "busy", just too much going on and so much to unpack. Perhaps a lack of some sort of balance is the issue I'm getting at here.

    I think overall, there's just something lacking and I'm not sure what it is. I'm thinking the long wait heightened my expectations too.
    --Tifa, _HeIium_, 62cents and 3 others like this.
  18. Thank you, next
  19. Cute styles, colours, even hair is nice,but what are those ugly faces 😩 Can't they be cute, dolleyed, ya know ....
  20. Why aren't the avis the same color as the roses that you need to get them? It would be better for the colored roses and the color in general to be used in the designs. I mean.. red would be full love, pink could be puppy love, purple would be royal love, and blue could be love-sick or "blue in love" .. I'm a little disappointed because it feels like the different examples of love was just completely ignored..
    PennyCoin and MayaTheHopeful like this.