CURRENT EVENT 🏂 Style on the Slopes ⛷️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. Where’s the Mollys deals ata 😔 gimme lite boxes
    Raine- likes this.
  2. Have you guys.. maybe accidentally removed the hypno cats from store or am I tripping?👀
  3. 🤞🏻🙏🏻Please make me lucky enough to get the female box avatar. It’s been a while since I have gotten a box avatar let alone a female one.

    I also love the hunt. Dorm isn’t my favorite but I love all the avatars.
  4. Bruh what the actual hell
  5. The only two good avis are LB and the Box are you fucking serious right now? I’m so tired.
  6. Reminds me of the other ski resort event. I was hoping for cute furniture atleast . That vip avi is cute though with the 2 piece on & jacket. :confused:
  7. I'm loving the white and everything....again. But seriously can I get ouija board wall and floor🙏🏻
  8. Why tf are there shirtless guys and women? Ata yall just gotta make everything sexual or weird? It’s winter/snow they should be covered up.. smh so uncreative and weird.
  9. Ata gave me a reason to stay low now. No more session this hunt yey
    Queen_Effie likes this.
  10. Lemme preface by saying I do not dislike this hunt & I think it’s fine. Very rarely do I hate a hunt.

    But can’t y’all just ChatGPT new ideas 😭
    Or visit the this forum thread of new hunt suggestions
    I get that everyone will run out of new ideas eventually but I feel like sometimes y’all not even trying 😭

    There’s been two Asian themed hunts in the last 5 years 💀💀💀💀💀 what are y’all afraid of??
    Yes, ATA already has a ton of representation and we love them for that 🫶
    But I want more.
    For ppl that look like me,
    And for eastern culture🫰
    CorneliaSt, Raine-, Muschi and 13 others like this.
  11. How about a hunt on navy, airforce and army.. Avis would be on that theme be soo cool..mavrick avis👀
    iMoan likes this.
  12. Idk I think an army hunt may come across as insensitive to what’s going on in the world at the moment
  13. That's true
    Mercedes_420_69 likes this.
  14. Wow, why is it the only good blonde avis you guys put out are on the LB? Most look like trash. Literally they all look like bimbos. Do you guys hate blondes? It sure seems that way js
  15. I think you just talking to hear yourself talk…plenty of avatars that have blonde hair. This one ended up being leaderboard. Usually the prettiest avatar are leaderboard..
    AdultFilmStar likes this.
  16. I support an armed forces hunt. I don't think it would be anymore insensitive than the avis that are with missing limbs.

    Anything can be inclusive or insensitive depending on your own personal view of it.
    Runi and Lumi like this.
  17. Just because you disagree doesn’t mean you need to be rude about it. I know a lot of people who agree. If anything, sounds like you just like to hear yourself talk. There was no need to comment if you disagreed.
    Lumi likes this.
  18. Personally I feel like it's also rude to use the term "bimbo" 😕
    Mercedes_420_69, Lumi and Lite like this.
  19. ty for an easy lb after bf but pls fix your game 😡😔😩