EVENT ☀️ Hex on the Beach! ☀️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jul 13, 2023.

  1. On point number 3, we just want more variation. Avis on lingerie is fine every once in a while but it's what we've been getting these consecutive hunts. We just want something different.
    Nav likes this.
  2. You know none of those female avis are going swimming with that makeup on 😂
  3. Waterproof makeup 🤔😏😅
    sinnamanbun likes this.

  4. [​IMG]

    please note those raccoon octopus hybrid images were borrowed off of Google, they aren't mine. but ATA please make something cool like this for the final side story. and PLEASE bring back the Pet Styles😕😭
  5. Thank you, ATA, for listening to players and removing the lite box change. If the intention was to help players who are in the small clubs that don't finish, we get it. But, how it was displayed at this time was not it. Growth and change are fine, but needs to be done right. 💕
    Muschi and BloodyKisses like this.
  6. You can tell this hunt was put together by the true experts of beaches and hot weather. /s

    So we're really making hunts based on one sketch from Portlandia? Wow.
  7. Looking for the furniture for this hunt!! If anyone is selling, please wall meeeee😍🖤