NEW CONTENT 🖤 Dark Mode VIP Furniture🖤

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Jul 21, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]
    Introducing Exclusive, NEW, VIP Furniture with a twist!
    Collect all these Dark Mode variants of the VIP Furniture set by spending those precious VIP Tokens in the Shop!

    How do I get VIP Tokens you ask?
    You can find all the details in this forum post here, but remember the best deals are over in our PIMD Web Store!

    Why are these VIP Subscriptions so great?
    VIP Subscriptions come with a huge array of other benefits! Below are a few highlights to peak your interest!
    🎁 Double Box/Capsule Opening and Pet Feeding!
    🌟 VIP Subscription Exclusive Offers!
    ⏭ Auto Skip Spinner Ads!
    💎 MORE ECS than before!
    ⬆️ THE BEST Cash/Drop Boosts!

    VIP Furniture

    I think the appropriate word to describe this set is debonair. 🎩
    #1 ATA-Will, Jul 21, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2023
    DarkMonarch, TrashRat, Gir and 6 others like this.
  2. Yeeeeeessss!!!!
    DaJi likes this.
  3. Idk if anyone else has this problem but it looks like the stuff is mixed up. 👀. But anyways, looks cute
    DP, Periwinkle, Lumi and 1 other person like this.
  4. I'm gonna throw up it's so effing cute
    Gatubela likes this.
  5. Yes looks like there was a mixup in the shop, should be fixed now!
    If you don't see it please restart your app.
    Gatubela likes this.
  6. I like this, it's a shame I just spent my stack of tokens on the gold stuff just the other day though 🥲🥲🥲
    TrashRat and Gatubela like this.
  7. This i love!!!
    TrashRat likes this.
  8. Cool but i rather had a full new dorm for my tokens tbh🥹✨
    Hades likes this.
  9. It looks like it has an error. The steps in the middle that lead down to the shelves with the bottles look great. It's finally something different, but then the table beneath it hangs over the edge. It's so strange
    Gir likes this.
  10. If I don’t get this whole set bought with bentos alone; I will CTRL. ALT. DELETE. o_O
    Devyn likes this.
  11. There’s no steps down, table stands on a glass
  12. In my opinion, I would much rather prefer new misc items over furniture that looks borderline the exact same just in a darker colour wave.
    IoveIy, WhiteWidowBear and -xJoonie like this.
  13. Yeah, definitely said to just see recolored furnitures rather than anything new. I’d love to get some more special items, maybe even monthly or hunt themed? That would be a sweet deal for subscribing during specific months.
    TrashRat likes this.
  14. Give us avis from the vip tokens already🧍
    Gatubela likes this.
  15. Mines still all mixed up 😵‍💫
  16. I prefer this version 😭 I just wish the dark version came out same time as the light version, would give people a chance to pick one…it’s pointless me getting the dark furnis when i alrdy have the light one now 😒
    VALORANT likes this.