Stories Tiers and Rewards

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -PA_Samurai-, Dec 3, 2016.

  1. Main/Side Story Drops
    • Open Hunt's Lite/Timer Boxes or Open Hunt boxes with Pim-key
    (Rewards Main Storyline Drops ONLY)
    • Participate in and successfully complete POTD/PPOTD/Premium Parties --> Click here to check POTD/PPOTD
    (Rewards Main & Side Storyline Drops)

    Story Pass Drops
    • Participate in and successfully complete ANY party
    (Rewards Main Story Pass Drops. Story Pass Misc drops at random when misc drop storyline is active)

    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline: K-Pop Fest Gear

    Collect 500 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 400 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • K-Pop Microphone

    Collect 1,500 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • Korean Cookie Sticks

    Collect 3,500 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 600 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Black And Pink CD Player

    Collect 8,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 700 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 K-Pop Album Avatar Box
    • Cherry Cupcake
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 16,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 800 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 K-Pop Album VIP Avatar Box
    • K-Pop Tote
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 35,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 1,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • Cherry Pink Earbuds

    Collect 75,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • Ramyeon And Rice Ball

    Collect 125,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • K-Pop Electric Guitar

    Collect 190,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 2,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 2 Box 8-Hour Speed Ups
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 VIP Pass Party Amps
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • Suga The Sphynx

    1st Side Storyline: Planning Committee Checklist

    Collect 200 Planning Committee Checklist
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Rose Petal Macarons

    Collect 450 Planning Committee Checklist
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Boy With Love Cocktail

    Collect 850 Planning Committee Checklist
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Pink Cat Ears

    Collect 1,500 Planning Committee Checklist
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 K-Pop Album Avatar Box
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    2nd Side Storyline: Security Wand

    Requires Completion of 1st Side Storyline

    Collect 300 Security Wand
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • K-Pop Idol's Earrings

    Collect 750 Security Wand
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • K-Pop Cake

    Collect 1,400 Security Wand
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Idol's Headset

    Collect 2,100 Security Wand
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 K-Pop Album VIP Avatar Box
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    3rd Side Storyline: Dance Challenge Likes

    Requires Completion of 2nd Side Storyline

    Collect 450 Dance Challenge Likes
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • Cute Idol's Shoes

    Collect 950 Dance Challenge Likes
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Performer's Skort

    Collect 1,900 Dance Challenge Likes
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • K-Pop Idol's Jacket

    Collect 3,000 Dance Challenge Likes
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 2 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • 2 Avatars

    4th Side Storyline: K-Pop Photocards

    Requires Completion of 3rd Side Storyline

    Collect 500 K-Pop Photocards
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Photocard Album

    Collect 1,100 K-Pop Photocards
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Spicy Snack

    Collect 2,100 K-Pop Photocards
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Rosee The Rabbit

    Collect 3,300 K-Pop Photocards
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 3 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • 2 VIP Avatars

    Main Storyline Leaderboard

    Top 1,500 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 750 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 K-Pop Album Decor Box

    Top 500 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 K-Pop Album Decor Box
    • Superfan Hamster

    Top 100 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 2,500 PIMD Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Care Pack Notices
    • 2 Pizza Bikinis
    • 3 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 2 K-Pop Album Decor Boxes
    • Superfan Hamster
    • 2 Avatars

    Top 10 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 5,000 PIMD Banks
    • 14 Doctor's Notes
    • 4 Care Pack Notices
    • 4 Pizza Bikinis
    • 6 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 2 K-Pop Album Decor Boxes
    • 5 Golden Crowns
    • Superfan Hamster
    • 2 Avatars
    • 2 VIP Avatars
    • 1 Piece Of Furniture


    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline (Cash Version)

    Requires Ownership of (Cash or VIP) Sea Glass Heart
    CHOICE: "Only then do you hear it..."
    •A man singing. (Masculine Love Interest)

    •A woman singing (Feminine Love Interest)

    Collect 500 Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 50 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 2 5-Min Box Speed Up
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 12 Parties
    AND Open 4 Timer Boxes

    • 100 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key

    Collect 1,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 150 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Slow jam
    • 1 30-Min Capsule Speed Up
    • 3 5-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 10 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 1st Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Cause A Diversion
    Level Up Pet 4 Times
    OR Use 7 Doctor's Notes
    You Fight The Shark!
    Do 110 (Successful) PVP Actions
    OR Use 7 Doctor's Notes
    Dive & Flee!
    Spin The Spinner 14 Times
    OR Use 7 Doctor's Notes

    • 250 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim-Key
    • 1 Bro-Code Party Amp
    • 10 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 1 Platinum Corallian Coin
    - End of 1st Choice Tree -

    Choice: "Perhaps...If You Wished It...We Could Meet Again?"

    • I Don't Know... (ends story pass)

    • I Would Like That (Requires ownership of VIP Sea Glass Heart)
    - End Of Cash Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni (untradeable) are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • The cash version will reward you with 1 Platinum Corallian Coin upon completion (only able to purchase 1 base Fem/Masc Avi)
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for her compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️

    Main Storyline Continued (VIP)

    Requires Completion of Cash Version and Ownership of Sea Glass Heart VIP
    Collect 5,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 300 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Slow Jam
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 4 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 15 Gold Corallian Coins

    Send 20 Gifts
    • 350 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 20 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 8 Tiny Ocean
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 4 30-Min Box Speed Up
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 25 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 2nd Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Act Clueless
    Hire 50 Tutors
    AND Complete 350 Party Actions
    Deflect With Banter
    Make 20 Trades
    AND Complete 350 Party Actions
    Question them
    Open 13 Timer Boxes
    AND Complete 350 Party Actions

    • 450 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim-Key
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 30 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 3 Platinum Corallian Coins
    - End of 2nd Choice Tree -

    Collect 12 Captain's Spyglass
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 40 Gold Corallian Coins

    Make 15 Friends
    • 550 Pimd Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 50 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 13,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 600 Pimd Banks
    • 5 1-Hour Capsule Speed up
    • 10 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 60 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 3rd Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Maybe, How Can I Trust You?
    Open 16 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Box
    AND Receive 20 Hard Core Avocados
    No I Don't Believe You
    Open 16 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Box
    AND Open 4 12-Hour Pet Capsules
    Yes. I accept.
    Open 16 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Box
    AND Upgrade 18 Pieces Of Furniture

    • 650 Pimd Banks
    • 400 Spinner Tokens
    • 4 Slow Jams
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 2 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 80 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 4 Platinum Corallian Coins
    - End of 3rd Choice Tree -

    Go On 10 Dates
    • 700 Pimd Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 8-Hour Capsule Speed Up
    • 100 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 62,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 750 Pimd Banks
    • 500 Spinner Tokens
    • 2 Party Limo
    • 15 15-Min Box Speed Up
    • 8 1-Hour Capsule speed Up
    • 180 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 10 Extracredible Tiers
    OR 16 Spotlight Tiers
    OR 20 Collectathon Tiers
    OR 15 Daily XC Tiers
    • 800 Pimd Banks
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 2 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 4 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 131 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 4th Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Stay Quiet
    Complete 50 Parties OR 12 Cat Cafe OR 6 Dog star
    AND TBC (?)
    Try To Warn Volitan
    Complete 50 Parties OR 12 Cat Cafe OR 6 Dog star
    AND Go On 15 Dates
    Attack Syd!
    Complete 50 Parties OR 12 Cat Cafe OR 6 Dog star
    AND 125 PVP Actions

    • 850 Pimd Banks
    • 600 Spinner Tokens
    • 2 Party Limo
    • 15 15-Min Box Speed Up
    • 8 1-Hour Pet Capsule Speed Up
    • 140 Gold Corallian Coins
    - End of 4th Choice Tree -

    - 5th (Mini) Choice Tree -

    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Trick Syd (Help the Merfolk)
    Collect 10 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    AND 10 MORE Tiny Oceans
    Help Syd (Betray the Merfolk)
    — TBC (?)

    • 900 Pimd Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 4 Care Pack Notice
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 160 Gold Corallian Coins
    - End Of 5th Choice Tree -

    Send 50 Gifts
    AND Spin The Spinner 10 Times
    • 950 Pimd Banks
    • 4 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 3 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Pizza Bikini
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 170 Gold Corallian Coins

    Open 20 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Boxes
    AND Change Your Avatar
    • 1,150 Pimd Banks
    • 5 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 1 Hypnocat
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 5 12-Hour Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 5 Platinum Corallian Coins
    • 200 Gold Corallian Coins

    CHOICE: Would You Like To Restart The Storyline?
    Yes (restarts storyline)

    - End Of Story Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni (untradeable) are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  2. Main/Side Story Drops
    • Open Hunt's Lite/Timer Boxes or Open Hunt boxes with Pim-key
    (Rewards Main Storyline Drops ONLY)
    • Participate in and successfully complete POTD/PPOTD/Premium Parties --> Click here to check POTD/PPOTD
    (Rewards Main & Side Storyline Drops)

    Story Pass Drops
    • Participate in and successfully complete ANY party
    (Rewards Main Story Pass Drops. Story Pass Misc drops at random when misc drop storyline is active)

    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline: K-Pop Fest Gear

    Collect 500 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 400 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • K-Pop Microphone

    Collect 1,500 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • Korean Cookie Sticks

    Collect 3,500 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 600 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Black And Pink CD Player

    Collect 8,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 700 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 K-Pop Album Avatar Box
    • Cherry Cupcake
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 16,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 800 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 K-Pop Album VIP Avatar Box
    • K-Pop Tote
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 35,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 1,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • Cherry Pink Earbuds

    Collect 75,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • Ramyeon And Rice Ball

    Collect 125,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • K-Pop Electric Guitar

    Collect 190,000 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 2,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 2 Box 8-Hour Speed Ups
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 VIP Pass Party Amps
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • Suga The Sphynx

    1st Side Storyline: Planning Committee Checklist

    Collect 200 Planning Committee Checklist
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Rose Petal Macarons

    Collect 450 Planning Committee Checklist
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Boy With Love Cocktail

    Collect 850 Planning Committee Checklist
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Pink Cat Ears

    Collect 1,500 Planning Committee Checklist
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 K-Pop Album Avatar Box
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    2nd Side Storyline: Security Wand

    Requires Completion of 1st Side Storyline

    Collect 300 Security Wand
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • K-Pop Idol's Earrings

    Collect 750 Security Wand
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • K-Pop Cake

    Collect 1,400 Security Wand
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Idol's Headset

    Collect 2,100 Security Wand
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 K-Pop Album VIP Avatar Box
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    3rd Side Storyline: Dance Challenge Likes

    Requires Completion of 2nd Side Storyline

    Collect 450 Dance Challenge Likes
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • Cute Idol's Shoes

    Collect 950 Dance Challenge Likes
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Performer's Skort

    Collect 1,900 Dance Challenge Likes
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • K-Pop Idol's Jacket

    Collect 3,000 Dance Challenge Likes
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 2 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • 2 Avatars

    4th Side Storyline: K-Pop Photocards

    Requires Completion of 3rd Side Storyline

    Collect 500 K-Pop Photocards
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Photocard Album

    Collect 1,100 K-Pop Photocards
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Spicy Snack

    Collect 2,100 K-Pop Photocards
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • Rosee The Rabbit

    Collect 3,300 K-Pop Photocards
    • 1 Spring 2023 Furniture Box
    • 3 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • 2 VIP Avatars

    Main Storyline Leaderboard

    Top 1,500 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 750 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 K-Pop Album Decor Box

    Top 500 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 K-Pop Album Decor Box
    • Superfan Hamster

    Top 100 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 2,500 PIMD Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Care Pack Notices
    • 2 Pizza Bikinis
    • 3 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 2 K-Pop Album Decor Boxes
    • Superfan Hamster
    • 2 Avatars

    Top 10 K-Pop Fest Gear
    • 5,000 PIMD Banks
    • 14 Doctor's Notes
    • 4 Care Pack Notices
    • 4 Pizza Bikinis
    • 6 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 2 K-Pop Album Decor Boxes
    • 5 Golden Crowns
    • Superfan Hamster
    • 2 Avatars
    • 2 VIP Avatars
    • 1 Piece Of Furniture


    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline (Cash Version)

    Requires Ownership of (Cash or VIP) Sea Glass Heart
    CHOICE: "Only then do you hear it..."
    •A man singing. (Masculine Love Interest)

    •A woman singing (Feminine Love Interest)

    Collect 500 Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 50 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 2 5-Min Box Speed Up
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 12 Parties
    AND Open 4 Timer Boxes

    • 100 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key

    Collect 1,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 150 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Slow jam
    • 1 30-Min Capsule Speed Up
    • 3 5-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 10 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 1st Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Cause A Diversion
    Level Up Pet 4 Times
    OR Use 7 Doctor's Notes
    You Fight The Shark!
    Do 110 (Successful) PVP Actions
    OR Use 7 Doctor's Notes
    Dive & Flee!
    Spin The Spinner 14 Times
    OR Use 7 Doctor's Notes

    • 250 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim-Key
    • 1 Bro-Code Party Amp
    • 10 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 1 Platinum Corallian Coin
    - End of 1st Choice Tree -

    Choice: "Perhaps...If You Wished It...We Could Meet Again?"

    • I Don't Know... (ends story pass)

    • I Would Like That (Requires ownership of VIP Sea Glass Heart)
    - End Of Cash Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni/Stat are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • The cash version will reward you with 1 Platinum Corallian Coin upon completion (only able to purchase 1 base Fem/Masc Avi)
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for her compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️

    Main Storyline Continued (VIP)

    Requires Completion of Cash Version and Ownership of Sea Glass Heart VIP
    Collect 5,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 300 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Slow Jam
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 4 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 15 Gold Corallian Coins

    Send 20 Gifts
    • 350 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 20 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 8 Tiny Ocean
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 4 30-Min Box Speed Up
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 25 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 2nd Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Act Clueless
    Hire 50 Tutors
    AND Complete 350 Party Actions
    Deflect With Banter
    Make 20 Trades
    AND Complete 350 Party Actions
    Question them
    Open 13 Timer Boxes
    AND Complete 350 Party Actions

    • 450 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim-Key
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 30 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 3 Platinum Corallian Coins
    - End of 2nd Choice Tree -

    Collect 12 Captain's Spyglass
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 40 Gold Corallian Coins

    Make 15 Friends
    • 550 Pimd Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 50 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 13,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 600 Pimd Banks
    • 5 1-Hour Capsule Speed up
    • 10 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 60 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 3rd Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Maybe, How Can I Trust You?
    Open 16 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Box
    AND Receive 20 Hard Core Avocados
    No I Don't Believe You
    Open 16 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Box
    AND Open 4 12-Hour Pet Capsules
    Yes. I accept.
    Open 16 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Box
    AND Upgrade 18 Pieces Of Furniture

    • 650 Pimd Banks
    • 400 Spinner Tokens
    • 4 Slow Jams
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 2 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 80 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 4 Platinum Corallian Coins
    - End of 3rd Choice Tree -

    Go On 10 Dates
    • 700 Pimd Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 8-Hour Capsule Speed Up
    • 100 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 62,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 750 Pimd Banks
    • 500 Spinner Tokens
    • 2 Party Limo
    • 15 15-Min Box Speed Up
    • 8 1-Hour Capsule speed Up
    • 180 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 10 Extracredible Tiers
    OR 16 Spotlight Tiers
    OR 20 Collectathon Tiers
    OR 15 Daily XC Tiers
    • 800 Pimd Banks
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 2 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 4 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 131 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 4th Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Stay Quiet
    Complete 50 Parties OR 12 Cat Cafe OR 6 Dog star
    AND Make 30 New Friends
    Try To Warn Volitan
    Complete 50 Parties OR 12 Cat Cafe OR 6 Dog star
    AND Go On 15 Dates
    Attack Syd!
    Complete 50 Parties OR 12 Cat Cafe OR 6 Dog star
    AND 125 PVP Actions

    • 850 Pimd Banks
    • 600 Spinner Tokens
    • 2 Party Limo
    • 15 15-Min Box Speed Up
    • 8 1-Hour Pet Capsule Speed Up
    • 140 Gold Corallian Coins
    - End of 4th Choice Tree -

    - 5th (Mini) Choice Tree -

    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Trick Syd (Help the Merfolk)
    Collect 10 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces (TBC)
    AND 10 MORE Tiny Oceans
    Help Syd (Betray the Merfolk)
    Collect 10 MORE Spyglass
    AND 10 MORE Tiny Oceans

    • 900 Pimd Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 4 Care Pack Notice
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 160 Gold Corallian Coins
    - End Of 5th Choice Tree -

    Send 50 Gifts
    AND Spin The Spinner 10 Times
    • 950 Pimd Banks
    • 4 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 3 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Pizza Bikini
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 170 Gold Corallian Coins

    Open 20 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Boxes
    AND Change Your Avatar
    • 1,150 Pimd Banks
    • 5 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 1 Hypnocat
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 5 12-Hour Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 5 Platinum Corallian Coins
    • 200 Gold Corallian Coins

    CHOICE: Would You Like To Restart The Storyline?
    Yes (restarts storyline)

    - End Of Story Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni/Stat are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️

  3. i can't find anything else about this hunt except this.. no info on leaderboard rewards or hunt dorm etc 🥲🥲🥲
  4. You are correct. That is supposed to be normal in your findings (as you look throughout the archives) for hunts in 2018-2020. Until like 2021-2022, “info on leaderboard rewards or hunt dorm etc ” was not included in the posts stating the rewards.

    P.S. original post made by ATA about the event (hunt) until 2021-2022; were also less informative and had less images to see what it looks like.
    Muschi and RooniRaccoon like this.

  5. bless!!

    sucks tho because i need info on Skeletal hand stat and also Vampumpkin if both are t10 or if one is t100 😅 thank you tho 🫂🫶🏼
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  6. Main/Side Story Drops
    • Open Hunt's Lite/Timer Boxes or Open Hunt boxes with Pim-key
    (Rewards Main Storyline Drops ONLY)
    • Participate in and successfully complete POTD/PPOTD/Premium Parties --> Click here to check POTD/PPOTD
    (Rewards Main & Side Storyline Drops)

    Story Pass Drops
    • Participate in and successfully complete ANY party
    (Rewards Main Story Pass Drops. Story Pass Misc drops at random when misc drop storyline is active)

    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline: Stream Subscribers

    Collect 500 Stream Subscribers
    • 400 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Heavenly Earrings

    Collect 1,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • Conqueror's Goblet

    Collect 3,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 600 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Celestial Key

    Collect 8,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 700 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Avatar Box
    • Necrotic Potion
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 16,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 800 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Demon Slayer's VIP Avatar Box
    • Soulrender Sword
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 35,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • Seraph's Helm

    Collect 75,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • Fallen King's Skull

    Collect 125,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • Demonic Offering

    Collect 190,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 2,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 2 Box 8-Hour Speed Ups
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 VIP Pass Party Amps
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • The Conjuror's Cat

    1st Side Storyline: Gamer Snacks

    Collect 200 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Ravenskull Pendant

    Collect 450 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Mirror Of Wishing

    Collect 850 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Summoner's Scroll

    Collect 1,500 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Avatar Box
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Main Storyline Leaderboard

    Top 1,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 750 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling

    Top 500 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling

    Top 100 Stream Subscribers
    • 2,500 PIMD Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Care Pack Notices
    • 2 Pizza Bikinis
    • 3 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 2 Demon Slayer's Decor Boxes
    • Icy Dragonling
    • 2 Avatars

    Top 10 Stream Subscribers
    • 5,000 PIMD Banks
    • 14 Doctor's Notes
    • 4 Care Pack Notices
    • 4 Pizza Bikinis
    • 6 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 2 Demon Slayer's Decor Boxes
    • 5 Golden Crowns
    • Icy Dragonling
    • 2 Avatars
    • 2 VIP Avatars
    • 1 Piece Of Furniture


    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline (Cash Version)

    Requires Ownership of (Cash or VIP) Sea Glass Heart
    CHOICE: "Only then do you hear it..."
    •A man singing. (Masculine Love Interest)

    •A woman singing (Feminine Love Interest)

    Collect 500 Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 50 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 2 5-Min Box Speed Up
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 12 Parties
    AND Open 4 Timer Boxes

    • 100 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key

    Collect 1,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 150 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Slow jam
    • 1 30-Min Capsule Speed Up
    • 3 5-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 10 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 1st Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Cause A Diversion
    Level Up Pet 4 Times
    OR Use 7 Doctor's Notes
    You Fight The Shark!
    Do 110 (Successful) PVP Actions
    OR Use 7 Doctor's Notes
    Dive & Flee!
    Spin The Spinner 14 Times
    OR Use 7 Doctor's Notes

    • 250 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim-Key
    • 1 Bro-Code Party Amp
    • 10 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 1 Platinum Corallian Coin
    - End of 1st Choice Tree -

    Choice: "Perhaps...If You Wished It...We Could Meet Again?"

    • I Don't Know... (ends story pass)

    • I Would Like That (Requires ownership of VIP Sea Glass Heart)
    - End Of Cash Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni/Stat are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • The cash version will reward you with 1 Platinum Corallian Coin upon completion (only able to purchase 1 base Fem/Masc Avi)
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for her compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️

    Main Storyline Continued (VIP)

    Requires Completion of Cash Version and Ownership of Sea Glass Heart VIP
    Collect 5,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 300 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Slow Jam
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 4 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 15 Gold Corallian Coins

    Send 20 Gifts
    • 350 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 20 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 8 Tiny Ocean
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 4 30-Min Box Speed Up
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 25 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 2nd Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Act Clueless
    Hire 50 Tutors
    AND Complete 350 Party Actions
    Deflect With Banter
    Make 20 Trades
    AND Complete 350 Party Actions
    Question them
    Open 13 Timer Boxes
    AND Complete 350 Party Actions

    • 450 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim-Key
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 30 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 3 Platinum Corallian Coins
    - End of 2nd Choice Tree -

    Collect 12 Captain's Spyglass
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 40 Gold Corallian Coins

    Make 15 Friends
    • 550 Pimd Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 50 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 13,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 600 Pimd Banks
    • 5 1-Hour Capsule Speed up
    • 10 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 60 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 3rd Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Maybe, How Can I Trust You?
    Open 16 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Box
    AND Receive 20 Hard Core Avocados
    No I Don't Believe You
    Open 16 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Box
    AND Open 4 12-Hour Pet Capsules
    Yes. I accept.
    Open 16 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Box
    AND Upgrade 18 Pieces Of Furniture

    • 650 Pimd Banks
    • 300 Spinner Tokens
    • 4 Slow Jams
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 2 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 80 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 4 Platinum Corallian Coins
    - End of 3rd Choice Tree -

    Go On 10 Dates
    • 700 Pimd Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 8-Hour Capsule Speed Up
    • 100 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 62,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 750 Pimd Banks
    • 500 Spinner Tokens
    • 2 Party Limo
    • 15 15-Min Box Speed Up
    • 8 1-Hour Capsule speed Up
    • 120 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 10 Extracredible Tiers
    OR 16 Spotlight Tiers
    OR 20 Collectathon Tiers
    OR 15 Daily XC Tiers
    • 800 Pimd Banks
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 2 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 4 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 131 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 4th Choice Tree -
    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Stay Quiet
    Complete 50 Parties OR 12 Cat Cafe OR 6 Dog star
    AND Make 30 New Friends
    Try To Warn Volitan
    Complete 50 Parties OR 12 Cat Cafe OR 6 Dog star
    AND Go On 15 Dates
    Attack Syd!
    Complete 50 Parties OR 12 Cat Cafe OR 6 Dog star
    AND 125 PVP Actions

    • 850 Pimd Banks
    • 600 Spinner Tokens
    • 2 Party Limo
    • 15 15-Min Box Speed Up
    • 8 1-Hour Pet Capsule Speed Up
    • 140 Gold Corallian Coins
    - End of 4th Choice Tree -

    - 5th (Mini) Choice Tree -

    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Trick Syd (Help the Merfolk)
    Collect 10 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces (TBC)
    AND 10 MORE Tiny Oceans
    Help Syd (Betray the Merfolk)
    Collect 10 MORE Spyglass
    AND 10 MORE Tiny Oceans

    • 900 Pimd Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 4 Care Pack Notice
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 160 Gold Corallian Coins
    - End Of 5th Choice Tree -

    Send 50 Gifts
    AND Spin The Spinner 10 Times
    • 950 Pimd Banks
    • 4 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 3 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Pizza Bikini
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 170 Gold Corallian Coins

    Open 20 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Boxes
    AND Change Your Avatar
    • 1,150 Pimd Banks
    • 5 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 1 Hypnocat
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 5 12-Hour Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 5 Platinum Corallian Coins
    • 200 Gold Corallian Coins

    CHOICE: Would You Like To Restart The Storyline?
    Yes (restarts storyline)

    - End Of Story Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni/Stat are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️
  7. Main/Side Story Drops
    • Open Hunt's Lite/Timer Boxes or Open Hunt boxes with Pim-key
    (Rewards Main Storyline Drops ONLY)
    • Participate in and successfully complete POTD/PPOTD/Premium Parties --> Click here to check POTD/PPOTD
    (Rewards Main & Side Storyline Drops)

    Story Pass Drops
    • Participate in and successfully complete ANY party
    (Rewards Main Story Pass Drops. Story Pass Misc drops at random when misc drop storyline is active)

    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline: Stream Subscribers

    Collect 500 Stream Subscribers
    • 400 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Heavenly Earrings

    Collect 1,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • Conqueror's Goblet

    Collect 3,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 600 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Celestial Key

    Collect 8,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 700 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Avatar Box
    • Necrotic Potion
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 16,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 800 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Demon Slayer's VIP Avatar Box
    • Soulrender Sword
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 35,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • Seraph's Helm

    Collect 75,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • Fallen King's Skull

    Collect 125,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • Demonic Offering

    Collect 190,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 2,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 2 Box 8-Hour Speed Ups
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 VIP Pass Party Amps
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • The Conjuror's Cat

    1st Side Storyline: Gamer Snacks

    Collect 200 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Ravenskull Pendant

    Collect 450 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Mirror Of Wishing

    Collect 850 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Summoner's Scroll

    Collect 1,500 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Avatar Box
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    2nd Side Storyline: XP Gains

    Requires Completion of 1st Side Storyline

    Collect 300 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Demon Slayer's Treasure

    Collect 750 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Ring Of The Dragon Slayer

    Collect 1,400 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Angelic Heart

    Collect 2,100 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's VIP Avatar Box
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Main Storyline Leaderboard

    Top 1,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 750 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling

    Top 500 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling

    Top 100 Stream Subscribers
    • 2,500 PIMD Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Care Pack Notices
    • 2 Pizza Bikinis
    • 3 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 2 Demon Slayer's Decor Boxes
    • Icy Dragonling
    • 2 Avatars

    Top 10 Stream Subscribers
    • 5,000 PIMD Banks
    • 14 Doctor's Notes
    • 4 Care Pack Notices
    • 4 Pizza Bikinis
    • 6 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 2 Demon Slayer's Decor Boxes
    • 5 Golden Crowns
    • Icy Dragonling
    • 2 Avatars
    • 2 VIP Avatars
    • 1 Piece Of Furniture


    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline (Cash Version)

    Requires Ownership of (Cash or VIP) Sea Glass Heart
    CHOICE: "Only then do you hear it..."
    •A man singing. (Masculine Love Interest)

    •A woman singing (Feminine Love Interest)

    Collect 500 Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 50 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 2 5-Min Box Speed Up
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 12 Parties
    AND Open 4 Timer Boxes

    • 100 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key

    Collect 1,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 150 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Slow jam
    • 1 30-Min Capsule Speed Up
    • 3 5-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 10 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 1st Choice Tree -
    - End of 1st Choice Tree -

    Choice: "Perhaps...If You Wished It...We Could Meet Again?"

    • I Don't Know... (ends story pass)

    • I Would Like That (Requires ownership of VIP Sea Glass Heart)
    - End Of Cash Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni/Stat are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • The cash version will reward you with 1 Platinum Corallian Coin upon completion (only able to purchase 1 base Fem/Masc Avi)
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️ Special thanks to @Ayrshi for always creating these wonderful collages for story pass choice trees!

    Main Storyline Continued (VIP)

    Requires Completion of Cash Version and Ownership of Sea Glass Heart VIP
    Collect 5,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 300 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Slow Jam
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 4 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 15 Gold Corallian Coins

    Send 20 Gifts
    • 350 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 20 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 8 Tiny Ocean
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 4 30-Min Box Speed Up
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 25 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 2nd Choice Tree -
    - End of 2nd Choice Tree -

    Collect 12 Captain's Spyglass
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 40 Gold Corallian Coins

    Make 15 Friends
    • 550 Pimd Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 50 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 13,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 600 Pimd Banks
    • 5 1-Hour Capsule Speed up
    • 10 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 60 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 3rd Choice Tree -
    - End of 3rd Choice Tree -

    Go On 10 Dates
    • 700 Pimd Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 8-Hour Capsule Speed Up
    • 100 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 62,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 750 Pimd Banks
    • 500 Spinner Tokens
    • 2 Party Limo
    • 15 15-Min Box Speed Up
    • 8 1-Hour Capsule speed Up
    • 120 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 10 Extracredible Tiers
    OR 16 Spotlight Tiers
    OR 20 Collectathon Tiers
    OR 15 Daily XC Tiers
    • 800 Pimd Banks
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 2 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 4 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 131 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 4th Choice Tree -
    - End of 4th Choice Tree -

    - 5th (Mini) Choice Tree -

    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Trick Syd (Help the Merfolk)
    Collect 10 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    AND 10 MORE Tiny Oceans
    Help Syd (Betray the Merfolk)
    Collect 10 MORE Spyglass
    AND 10 MORE Tiny Oceans
    (Note: For a few days, some players have been getting a different task -- Complete 100 PVP actions AND Spin The Spinner 10 Times, but it has since reverted to the original task. Pending further verification before posting the finalized choice tree collage)

    • 900 Pimd Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 4 Care Pack Notice
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 160 Gold Corallian Coins
    - End Of 5th Choice Tree -

    Send 50 Gifts
    AND Spin The Spinner 10 Times
    • 950 Pimd Banks
    • 4 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 3 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Pizza Bikini
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 170 Gold Corallian Coins

    Open 20 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Boxes
    AND Change Your Avatar
    • 1,150 Pimd Banks
    • 5 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 1 Hypnocat
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 5 12-Hour Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 5 Platinum Corallian Coins
    • 200 Gold Corallian Coins

    CHOICE: Would You Like To Restart The Storyline?
    Yes (restarts storyline)

    - End Of Story Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni/Stat are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️ Special thanks to @Ayrshi for always creating these wonderful collages for story pass choice trees!
    Muschi, RosieB and GoddessHailey like this.
  8. Yep! Did the betray the Merfolk choice today and got the 100 pvp actions 🩵
    Muschi and Iriesa like this.
  9. Main/Side Story Drops
    • Open Hunt's Lite/Timer Boxes or Open Hunt boxes with Pim-key
    (Rewards Main Storyline Drops ONLY)
    • Participate in and successfully complete POTD/PPOTD/Premium Parties --> Click here to check POTD/PPOTD
    (Rewards Main & Side Storyline Drops)

    Story Pass Drops
    • Participate in and successfully complete ANY party
    (Rewards Main Story Pass Drops. Story Pass Misc drops at random when misc drop storyline is active)

    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline: Stream Subscribers

    Collect 500 Stream Subscribers
    • 400 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Heavenly Earrings

    Collect 1,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • Conqueror's Goblet

    Collect 3,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 600 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Celestial Key

    Collect 8,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 700 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Avatar Box
    • Necrotic Potion
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 16,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 800 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Demon Slayer's VIP Avatar Box
    • Soulrender Sword
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 35,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • Seraph's Helm

    Collect 75,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • Fallen King's Skull

    Collect 125,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • Demonic Offering

    Collect 190,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 2,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 2 Box 8-Hour Speed Ups
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 VIP Pass Party Amps
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • The Conjuror's Cat

    1st Side Storyline: Gamer Snacks

    Collect 200 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Ravenskull Pendant

    Collect 450 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Mirror Of Wishing

    Collect 850 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Summoner's Scroll

    Collect 1,500 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Avatar Box
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    2nd Side Storyline: XP Gains

    Requires Completion of 1st Side Storyline

    Collect 300 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Demon Slayer's Treasure

    Collect 750 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Ring Of The Dragon Slayer

    Collect 1,400 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Angelic Heart

    Collect 2,100 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's VIP Avatar Box
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    3rd Side Storyline: Conscience Battle

    Requires Completion of 2nd Side Storyline

    Collect 450 Conscience Battle
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • Celestial Guardian Pendant

    Collect 950 Conscience Battle
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Scythe Of Souls

    Collect 1,900 Conscience Battle
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Devil's Hourglass

    Collect 3,000 Conscience Battle
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 2 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • 2 Avatars

    Main Storyline Leaderboard

    Top 1,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 750 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling

    Top 500 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling

    Top 100 Stream Subscribers
    • 2,500 PIMD Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Care Pack Notices
    • 2 Pizza Bikinis
    • 3 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 2 Demon Slayer's Decor Boxes
    • Icy Dragonling
    • 2 Avatars

    Top 10 Stream Subscribers
    • 5,000 PIMD Banks
    • 14 Doctor's Notes
    • 4 Care Pack Notices
    • 4 Pizza Bikinis
    • 6 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 2 Demon Slayer's Decor Boxes
    • 5 Golden Crowns
    • Icy Dragonling
    • 2 Avatars
    • 2 VIP Avatars
    • 1 Piece Of Furniture


    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline (Cash Version)

    Requires Ownership of (Cash or VIP) Sea Glass Heart
    CHOICE: "Only then do you hear it..."
    •A man singing. (Masculine Love Interest)

    •A woman singing (Feminine Love Interest)

    Collect 500 Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 50 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 2 5-Min Box Speed Up
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 12 Parties
    AND Open 4 Timer Boxes

    • 100 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key

    Collect 1,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 150 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Slow jam
    • 1 30-Min Capsule Speed Up
    • 3 5-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 10 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 1st Choice Tree -
    - End of 1st Choice Tree -

    Choice: "Perhaps...If You Wished It...We Could Meet Again?"

    • I Don't Know... (ends story pass)

    • I Would Like That (Requires ownership of VIP Sea Glass Heart)
    - End Of Cash Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni/Stat are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • The cash version will reward you with 1 Platinum Corallian Coin upon completion (only able to purchase 1 base Fem/Masc Avi)
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️ Special thanks to @Ayrshi for always creating these wonderful collages for story pass choice trees!

    Main Storyline Continued (VIP)

    Requires Completion of Cash Version and Ownership of Sea Glass Heart VIP
    Collect 5,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 300 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Slow Jam
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 4 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 15 Gold Corallian Coins

    Send 20 Gifts
    • 350 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 20 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 8 Tiny Ocean
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 4 30-Min Box Speed Up
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 25 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 2nd Choice Tree -
    - End of 2nd Choice Tree -

    Collect 12 Captain's Spyglass
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 40 Gold Corallian Coins

    Make 15 Friends
    • 550 Pimd Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 50 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 13,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 600 Pimd Banks
    • 5 1-Hour Capsule Speed up
    • 10 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 60 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 3rd Choice Tree -
    - End of 3rd Choice Tree -

    Go On 10 Dates
    • 700 Pimd Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 8-Hour Capsule Speed Up
    • 100 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 62,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 750 Pimd Banks
    • 500 Spinner Tokens
    • 2 Party Limo
    • 15 15-Min Box Speed Up
    • 8 1-Hour Capsule speed Up
    • 120 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 10 Extracredible Tiers
    OR 16 Spotlight Tiers
    OR 20 Collectathon Tiers
    OR 15 Daily XC Tiers
    • 800 Pimd Banks
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 2 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 4 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 131 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 4th Choice Tree -
    - End of 4th Choice Tree -

    - 5th (Mini) Choice Tree -

    (All options reward the same items, only the task differs)
    Trick Syd (Help the Merfolk)
    Collect 10 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    AND 10 MORE Tiny Oceans
    Help Syd (Betray the Merfolk)
    Complete 100 PVP actions
    AND Spin The Spinner 10 Times
    (Note: Original task - Collect 10 MORE Spyglass AND 10 MORE Tiny Oceans)
    Pending further verification for Trick Syd/Help Merfolk before posting the finalized choice tree collage

    • 900 Pimd Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 4 Care Pack Notice
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 160 Gold Corallian Coins
    - End Of 5th Choice Tree -

    Send 50 Gifts
    AND Spin The Spinner 10 Times
    • 950 Pimd Banks
    • 4 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 3 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Pizza Bikini
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 170 Gold Corallian Coins

    Open 20 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Boxes
    AND Change Your Avatar
    • 1,150 Pimd Banks
    • 5 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 1 Hypnocat
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 5 12-Hour Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 5 Platinum Corallian Coins
    • 200 Gold Corallian Coins

    CHOICE: Would You Like To Restart The Storyline?
    Yes (restarts storyline)

    - End Of Story Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni/Stat are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️ Special thanks to @Ayrshi for always creating these wonderful collages for story pass choice trees!
    Muschi, Lumi and GoddessHailey like this.
  10. Under the 5th choice tree for trick Syd, I think collect 10 necklaces should be spyglasses instead
    Muschi and Iriesa like this.
  11. Oh yes you're right, I forgot to correct that! Thanks for pointing it out 🫶
  12. Hopefully this helps you @MossyMurders . you can view the full information above this message intended to you for the third side story and leaderboard
  13. 5th choice tree seems to be a bit off, unless they changed it again. I just finished the whole thing, and the task for "help Syd" option still is 10 spyglass and 10 tiny ocean, but it seems to affect the next two tasks. So the next task is 100 pvp actions (rather than 50 gifts) and 10 spinner, and the task after that is 2 pim key boxes or 4 timer boxes (at least I think it's 4 but can't remember cause I did the 2 pim key), change avatar and complete 150 pvp actions.
    Muschi, Iriesa and -Johnny_cakes- like this.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if that happened again, it has already changed 3x (?) since story pass started, so I honestly don't know what to believe anymore 😮‍💨
    But I'll write a note for that when I update the next side story (which would probably b tmr). Thanks for sharing!
    Muschi and GoddessHailey like this.
  15. Main/Side Story Drops
    • Open Hunt's Lite/Timer Boxes or Open Hunt boxes with Pim-key
    (Rewards Main Storyline Drops ONLY)
    • Participate in and successfully complete POTD/PPOTD/Premium Parties --> Click here to check POTD/PPOTD
    (Rewards Main & Side Storyline Drops)

    Story Pass Drops
    • Participate in and successfully complete ANY party
    (Rewards Main Story Pass Drops. Story Pass Misc drops at random when misc drop storyline is active)

    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline: Stream Subscribers

    Collect 500 Stream Subscribers
    • 400 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Heavenly Earrings

    Collect 1,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • Conqueror's Goblet

    Collect 3,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 600 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Celestial Key

    Collect 8,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 700 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Avatar Box
    • Necrotic Potion
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 16,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 800 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Demon Slayer's VIP Avatar Box
    • Soulrender Sword
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    Collect 35,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • Seraph's Helm

    Collect 75,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • Fallen King's Skull

    Collect 125,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • Demonic Offering

    Collect 190,000 Stream Subscribers
    • 2,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 2 Box 8-Hour Speed Ups
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 VIP Pass Party Amps
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • The Conjuror's Cat

    1st Side Storyline: Gamer Snacks

    Collect 200 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Ravenskull Pendant

    Collect 450 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Mirror Of Wishing

    Collect 850 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Summoner's Scroll

    Collect 1,500 Gamer Snacks
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Avatar Box
    In The Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    2nd Side Storyline: XP Gains

    Requires Completion of 1st Side Storyline

    Collect 300 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Demon Slayer's Treasure

    Collect 750 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Ring Of The Dragon Slayer

    Collect 1,400 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Angelic Heart

    Collect 2,100 XP Gains
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's VIP Avatar Box
    In The VIP Avatar Box
    (Randomly rewards one avatar)

    3rd Side Storyline: Conscience Battle

    Requires Completion of 2nd Side Storyline

    Collect 450 Conscience Battle
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • Celestial Guardian Pendant

    Collect 950 Conscience Battle
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Scythe Of Souls

    Collect 1,900 Conscience Battle
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Devil's Hourglass

    Collect 3,000 Conscience Battle
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 2 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • 2 Avatars

    4th Side Storyline: Health Crystals

    Requires Completion of 3rd Side Storyline

    Collect 500 Health Crystals
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 1 Speed Up Reward Box
    • Accursed Spellbook

    Collect 1,100 Health Crystals
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Demonic Helm

    Collect 2,100 Health Crystals
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • Dragonheart Potion

    Collect 3,300 Health Crystals
    • 1 Summer 2023 Furniture Box
    • 3 Speed Up Reward Boxes
    • 2 VIP Avatars

    Main Storyline Leaderboard

    Top 1,500 Stream Subscribers
    • 750 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling

    Top 500 Stream Subscribers
    • 1,500 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling

    Top 100 Stream Subscribers
    • 2,500 PIMD Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Care Pack Notices
    • 2 Pizza Bikinis
    • 3 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 2 Demon Slayer's Decor Boxes
    • Icy Dragonling
    • 2 Avatars

    Top 10 Stream Subscribers
    • 5,000 PIMD Banks
    • 14 Doctor's Notes
    • 4 Care Pack Notices
    • 4 Pizza Bikinis
    • 6 Hypnocats
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Party Limos
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 2 Demon Slayer's Decor Boxes
    • 5 Golden Crowns
    • Icy Dragonling
    • 2 Avatars
    • 2 VIP Avatars
    • 1 Piece Of Furniture


    {View Announcement Thread}

    PvP XC Leaderboard

    Which Team Do You Want To Join For The PvP Extracurricular?

    Gain 30 Points
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Lite Box

    Place In The Top 500
    • 2 Doctor's Notes
    • 100 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 3 Demon Slayer's Lite Box
    • 1 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling

    Place In The Top 100
    • 5 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Hypnocat
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 250 PIMD Banks
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 5 Demon Slayer's Lite Box
    • 2 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling

    Place In The Top 10
    • 10 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Hypnocats
    • 3 Pizza Bikinis
    • 2 Care Pack Notice
    • 1,000 PIMD Banks
    • 2 Party Limo
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 1 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 1 Otaku Party Amp
    • 5 Golden Crowns
    • 5 Demon Slayer's Lite Box
    • 2 Demon Slayer's Decor Box
    • Icy Dragonling
    • 1 Piece Of Furniture


    Gain 30 points
    • 2 Avatars


    {View Announcement Thread}

    Main Storyline (Cash Version)

    Requires Ownership of (Cash or VIP) Sea Glass Heart
    CHOICE: "Only then do you hear it..."
    •A man singing. (Masculine Love Interest)

    •A woman singing (Feminine Love Interest)

    Collect 500 Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 50 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 2 5-Min Box Speed Up
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 12 Parties
    AND Open 4 Timer Boxes

    • 100 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 5 Gold Corallian Coins
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key

    Collect 1,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 150 Pimd Banks
    • 100 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Slow jam
    • 1 30-Min Capsule Speed Up
    • 3 5-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 10 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 1st Choice Tree -
    - End of 1st Choice Tree -

    Choice: "Perhaps...If You Wished It...We Could Meet Again?"

    • I Don't Know... (ends story pass)

    • I Would Like That (Requires ownership of VIP Sea Glass Heart)
    - End Of Cash Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni/Stat are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • The cash version will reward you with 1 Platinum Corallian Coin upon completion (only able to purchase 1 base Fem/Masc Avi)
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️ Special thanks to @Ayrshi for always creating these wonderful collages for story pass choice trees!

    Main Storyline Continued (VIP)

    Requires Completion of Cash Version and Ownership of Sea Glass Heart VIP
    Collect 5,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 300 PIMD Banks
    • 3 Slow Jam
    • 1 Doctor's Note
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 4 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 15 Gold Corallian Coins

    Send 20 Gifts
    • 350 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 20 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 8 Tiny Ocean
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 4 30-Min Box Speed Up
    • 1 Art Skool Party Amp
    • 25 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 2nd Choice Tree -
    - End of 2nd Choice Tree -

    Collect 12 Captain's Spyglass
    • 500 PIMD Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 40 Gold Corallian Coins

    Make 15 Friends
    • 550 Pimd Banks
    • 150 Spinner Tokens
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 1 Care Pack Notice
    • 50 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 13,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 600 Pimd Banks
    • 5 1-Hour Capsule Speed up
    • 10 15-Min Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 60 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 3rd Choice Tree -
    - End of 3rd Choice Tree -

    Go On 10 Dates
    • 700 Pimd Banks
    • 6 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Pizza Bikini
    • 2 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 8-Hour Capsule Speed Up
    • 100 Gold Corallian Coins

    Collect 62,000 MORE Sunken Treasure Necklaces
    • 750 Pimd Banks
    • 500 Spinner Tokens
    • 2 Party Limo
    • 15 15-Min Box Speed Up
    • 8 1-Hour Capsule speed Up
    • 120 Gold Corallian Coins

    Complete 10 Extracredible Tiers
    OR 16 Spotlight Tiers
    OR 20 Collectathon Tiers
    OR 15 Daily XC Tiers
    • 800 Pimd Banks
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 2 Amazing Furniture Key
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 4 3-Hour Pet Speed Up
    • 2 Otaku Party Amp
    • 131 Gold Corallian Coins

    - 4th Choice Tree -
    - End of 4th Choice Tree -

    - 5th (Mini) Choice Tree -

    (Please note that the tasks stated here might not be finalized as players have reported different findings for different completion timeframes. Of late, some players have gotten "Collect 10 MORE Spyglass AND 10 MORE Tiny Oceans" for the 'Help Syd' task)

    • 900 Pimd Banks
    • 3 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 1 Hipster Party Amp
    • 4 Care Pack Notice
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 160 Gold Corallian Coins
    - End Of 5th Choice Tree -

    Send 50 Gifts (Trick Syd)
    AND Spin The Spinner 10 Times
    Do 100 PvP Actions (Help Syd?)
    AND Spin The Spinner 10 Times
    (Please note that the tasks stated here might not be finalized as players have reported different findings for different completion timeframes)
    • 950 Pimd Banks
    • 4 Doctor's Notes
    • 1 Pim Key
    • 3 VIP Pass Party Amp
    • 2 Pizza Bikini
    • 12 3-Hour Box Speed Up
    • 170 Gold Corallian Coins

    (Trick Syd)
    Open 20 Timer OR 10 Pim Key Boxes
    AND Change Your Avatar
    (Help Syd?)

    Open 4 Timer OR 2 Pim Key Boxes
    AND Complete 150 PvP Actions
    AND Change Your Avatar
    (Please note that the tasks stated here might not be finalized as players have reported different findings for different completion timeframes)
    • 1,150 Pimd Banks
    • 5 Doctor's Notes
    • 2 Pim Key
    • 1 Hypnocat
    • 1 Party Limo
    • 1 Party Yacht
    • 5 12-Hour Pet Feeding Speed Up
    • 5 Platinum Corallian Coins
    • 200 Gold Corallian Coins

    CHOICE: Would You Like To Restart The Storyline?
    Yes (restarts storyline)

    No (ends storyline)

    - End Of Story Pass -

    • Story Pass will be available in store till 27 Jun 2023
    • Stories will end on 15 Aug 2023
    • Story-Pass Exclusive Avis/Furni/Stat are available for purchase in store till 22 Aug 2023
    • You'll have enough Platinum/Gold Corallian Coins to afford all the Avis/Furnis after you complete the 2nd Playthrough

    As always, I'm very grateful to @Yaya for compiling info from other players and producing a guide ❤️ Special thanks to @Ayrshi for always creating these wonderful collages for story pass choice trees!