Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Doesnt mean anything. Just something to be different
  2. If I want more drops than cash from parties- do I want more strength or intelligence dormmates? I’m pretty even right now.

    And what’s the best bar to hit on cats and kinis? Or are all bars equal
  3. You will never get more drops then cash. Max drops is max drops. You cant get more then the maximum set amount
  4. What happened to rate my room 🥺🥺
    -Ryder- and Dopper like this.
  5. Xcs games dont show up everyday. This lets all the games rotate around a bit
    18Annastasia likes this.
  6. Rate my room has always been like 3-4 days voting, then one day to decorate, then 3-4 days voting, etc. it’s just been gone for 2 days now :(
    -Ryder- likes this.
  7. I have a question about dorm.
    What's wise more, upgrading Tier 7 upto Level 4 or Tier 7 Level 1 Exchange to Tier 9 directly? Thank you so much for response.
  8. Not always. Every game has times where its not on at all for a day or so
  9. Never upgrade dorm mates otherwise it feels like nothing is happening. Keep them level 1 qnd exchange for tier 9. Then 9 to 10. 10 to 11. Coz fuck the jump from 9 to 11
  10. Roger that, Thank you for quick response, Sir.
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  11. Pritty much unless you perm in a flash premium club for a while you will never have to upgrade dorm mates. With how thing are and with how they been going
  12. I'm actually broke, Sir and waste bento for DVP and choose the wrong mates and do a lot of upgrade. 🥺
  13. You algoodz was just more pointing out you wont ever have to upgrade dorm mates. Would take irl money to perm in a flash club anyway
  14. I’ve been silenced for the first time since being back in years & was told I may be permanently banned for exchanging items for real life currency, when I’m not doing so. I can admit I asked once for gifts/furni & id offer to send pics but they weren’t always nude.

    Either way, my nudes are online for free through my Reddit, and I really just like to use those pics (as the ones I post are generally the ones I’m confident in).

    I won’t ask in public chat to trade pics for gifts/etc anymore, but did just wanna clarify I wasn’t exchanging in real life money or anything. I would spend time talking with & getting to know people or RP, so wasn’t really just one sided (to me), but I can see how that is wrong even if I’m of age to do so !

    Overall just wanted to say that, & was wondering if role play/selfies are considered the same as exchanging money? Since this is made for questions, I am curious to know if a mod is able to answer that (or someone who’s received an answer before from such).
  15. whew a lot to unpack there but when i got silenced for saying "sending feet pics for benTOES" on pub, the reason they gave me was:
    hope that helps.
    18Annastasia and MizzRedd like this.
  16. now that i think abt it... you probably already knew that if u got silenced for that reason too 😀 oops nvm then
  17. This is more of like an idea, but I think doing hunts of different cultures would be great, like one county each 5 days like the short hunts 😃
  18. That would be great; you can develop your idea furthermore in this thread to let other people know about it
    Please note that the birds of now “are in the description from New Guinea and Indonesia.
    St- Patrick often refer to items from Ireland
    In autumn 2021 we had stat item representing food from some Asian countries
    France was represented in November 2020
    These are just examples.
    I don’t know if you meant the storyline? Or if you had any specific countries to suggest but that would be great to hear
    MizzRedd likes this.
  19. Wow. Uhm. I don't even know where to begin. But offering any form of payment is against TOU for furni/ items. You can trade item for item, or pay using bentos/chibis.

    Also by mentioning in public channels that you will send pics for in game items is also against TOU. Also even though you say you're of age, other people may not be and these protections exist for that reason. You've no idea who you're adding or their age and THEN you distribute Adult content to them. That's no Bueno.

    To answer your final question, Rp is allowed on this game and private chats are not moderated. Just don't offer that information or solicit it in public channels. Whatever you talk about in your private messages is entirely up to you and at your own risk. Be safe and not only protect yourself but others that may not be of age that albeit shouldn't be on here, but inevitably are.

    You also just admitted to breaking TOU and your silence is warranted. To prevent further action against your account i recommend not doing things that break the rules lol
  20. I have a question about leftover items for events.Will these same events be brought back or are they one time things. It seems pointless to keep them in our inventory if we can no longer use them. It would help if there's a sell/trade back option in the shops.