NEW FEATURE Rate My Room: A Brand New XC!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 5, 2020.

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  1. When I try to change my name it says 'The username is invaild'
  2. I would suggest posting this in this forum or to send a help ticket
    Muschi and Intoxication like this.
  3. Imagine making an alt just to tell someone to shut up💀
    Muschi and Intoxication like this.
  5. I do like the skip button! Now I’m trying to figure out the “loophole” that the top ranked players seemed to have figured out because they are getting so many votes when their dorm has nothing to do with the theme... I wonder how the “random” voting works because I never see the rooms I want to vote for... not by name but by content. Maybe a number system, like 1-5 1 being not theme and 5 being excellent theme? Idk 😭🤦🏻‍♀️
  6. Ooo I love the idea of like 1-5 stars lol. So if a room looks good but isn’t even on theme, it can get some credit but not all of it. Because then the stars could be averaged, and ppl who only got their design seen 5 times has the same opportunity as someone whose was seen 20 or more times.
    Still love the skip button (wish I didn’t have to wait 10sec tho).
  7. Yeah I think its mostly algorithm? Not positive but also that 1-5 theme would be dope!
    I think if we were able to go one by one instead of comparing dorms that would be so much better, cause sometimes its hard to pick between 2 dorms or other times when one wasn't great but it was technically better than the other one, yknow?
    I think the 1-5 voting would work out way better! :^)
    Muschi, Naey and they like this.
  8. Do ppl even know what the word nautical meansssss? 🥴🥴🥴
    i mean my room isn’t great but some of these rooms. Woof.
    nellyboo4 and Isabella8508 like this.
  9. Navigation => pirate / ship?
    Sea => triton/mermaid furni and pride reef ?
    Maybe I have wide imagination/interpretation
    AntisocialButterfly and they like this.
  10. Why is the XC Rate my Dorm theme Office again?
    kieru, April, Naey and 4 others like this.
  11. Just came here to ask the same thing. Realllly hoping it’s something more fun.
    richa_03, GlGl, -AL1CE- and 2 others like this.
  12. What is the rags to Riches themed XC supposed to mean furniture wise?!
  13. Sugar and Spice, Is that suppose to be something romantic or what
  14. Please update it
  15. please put skip option
  16. There is a skip option. Make sure your app is up to date.
    Phobia likes this.
  17. Yes 😊
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