Kim Possible Themed Hunt

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Hatari, May 7, 2020.


Kim Possible Hunt

Poll closed May 8, 2020.
  1. Yay

  2. Nay

  3. Mayhaps

  1. So club chat got me feeling nostalgic by falling down the rabbit hole of our lost childhood programmes.

    Imagine a Kim Possible themed hunt.

    Shego being her sxc self. 🤤

    Please show your support and help make a dream into a virtual reality. 😢
    i_am_not_bollywood likes this.
  2. I think there’s a thread for this? But since you made your own, can you please give us more details? Like the type of story items, hunt furniture, avis
    i_am_not_bollywood and Day like this.
  3. I'd love this but probably won't happen because Disney.
  4. Man I loved that show! But basically what Muschi said.

    Also, here’s the link to the hunt suggestions thread.
    Maddi_Matsu, Muschi and Hatari like this.
  5. Yeah Disney will mess us. :( I didn’t think about that.
    Thank you Day, I couldn’t be bothered to locate the thread truth be told so thanks!
    Day likes this.
  6. Also what iconic items are from that show? It would work really ell for avatars but idk about much else.
  7. Naked mole rat
    Sansa and Victoria like this.
  8. Definitely the Kimmunicator
    Hatari, Sansa and Victoria like this.
  9. Utility belt
    Hatari likes this.
  10. That would be my suggestion as the story item. 😎
    Day likes this.
  11. Fuckin Disney ruining the fun for everyone.
  12. I would want to see that grappling hook gun too!
  13. We should sue em
    Muschi likes this.
  14. Yes! Please!