Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. An honest PiMD ad would be like,
    "You're invited to have an avi no one wants to deal with for the first few days, (or in this current state, months), then realize you're going to need to shell out multiple high dollars to get a decent dorm, or accept the fact that your dorm will look like a thrift shop for the first 6 months, and realize the game only consists of "hit party" repeatedly to get pictures in your showcase.
    BUT WAIT! If you join now, you can also apply for EXCLUSIVE opportunities to be bombarded by pervs, pedophiles, and cam kids who offer content for irl cash! And we FULLY ENDORSE IT, because no action is ever taken against them!

    PLEASE BE ADVISED, Players MUST be a bitter child to download and play.

    Join now!"
    Skye, Alysse, Azure and 26 others like this.
  2. Thank you! Ew, that's so weird... Maybe they don't put the worst ones on the channel. And no wonder there are so many creeps, the whole thing is advertised like a dating sim, even on the ads that aren't too misleading.
    So many people on the app reviews complaining that it's nothing like the ad is such an ugly look.
  3. I've seen this advertisement. It shows a player with the cute winter avatar with the two different colored eyes "matching" with different avatars and it results in a baby that's a mix of both avatars each time???? It was really confusing LOL. There's no feature like that on PIMD and it was very misleading.
  4. Not to bubble your burst but- accurate ads would be like-

    Hi! Welcome to pimd. You see your dorm? Pretty trash looking and its going to look like that for a longgg time bucko. Your stats? Gunna be low as heck for about 5 years. Unless... Ofc... You spend money on it! Hear buy this trash quality items for 100$! Wow much pretty! Buy more-! Wow your super strong! Go be cool and harass and bully the people that are low stats so you can push them to waste more money on us!
  5. I can just see the starter fem avi with the orange shirt and glasses having a solid 9 babies with different dads, and being in Pub like, "Looking for a Sugar Daddy".
  7. I remember someone posting an ss of one here where you could give an avatar a 64 pack.
  8. #NoMoneyMarch? More like #NoMorePlayersToRobIfTheyDontExist

  9. Come on Twink you’re being bitter & childish
    It takes two avatars and then has a baby randomly generated. 😂😂
    Carrie, ShaveYourKitty, Rizky and 5 others like this.
  11. Omg have you seen the one where you can choose how many abs the avi has???

    It seems like the advertisements are really trying to imply you can customize when that is like everything you can't do. So strange
  12. I think with the right concept an honest PIMD ad could be really interesting! I know a popular concept I've seen in ads for like renovation games is to start with the trashy house (like the dorm in the beginning), and as they pan across the dorm, they could show it getting fancier furni, as the player's avi, that could be like on the side of the screen, gets fancier beside it. I know that only covers one aspect of the game but Hey it's a 30 second ad.
    Fairness, Maddi_Matsu, Muschi and 4 others like this.
  13. O yeah, and they change that avatar's hair color and everything? It's terrible. Ive seen SO MANY new accounts in pub/world chat asking how to do that.

    Why is PIMD relying on ads that lie about the gameplay??

    I bet it's because they are making the best decisions for the player base, right? 🌚
  14. This is fucked up. They just want more money.we are supposed to get avis for the month in the timer box. One more dumb thing like this and im off this app.
  15. So when pimd comes to an end, which forum do I go to so I can spe my nonsense
    Carrie, ShaveYourKitty, Rizky and 8 others like this.
  16. Keep me updated on this 😂
    Maddi_Matsu and Victoria like this.
  17. Hey, I'm a little late. After my most recent disappointment with ATA (regarding a story pass, I've talked about it a lot especially on this thread so I won't be repetitive), I decided to take a small break to get over it. It was upsetting and after spending nights awake just to get nothing in the end, it was best for me to spend some time away from here and focus more on other hobbies.

    So, I wasn't aware of this situation until today when I decided get back into the game - just to be disappointed once again. Yay.
    I will start by saying that I really like this game and even though I had that issue with the pass, I felt ready to give it another chance because it became one of my favorite pastimes. Of course, I was still a bit wary but tried to convince myself that as long as I played it safe and didn't buy into things that have a chance of going wrong (like the mechanism of the story pass) I should be okay.
    I haven't read everything on this thread and I will take my time to go through it carefully. But I've read enough to know that ATA is disregarding a great percentage of the players and making changes that are bad for everyone except themselves.
    I have reached the 15k tier on hunts before, but I went on sessions and such. Otherwise it wouldn't have been easy, even for me as a mcs player. It's terrible to put the story avatars away from players' reach. I thought we already had a different set of side story and VIP avatars for those who are able to go further with the drops. Same with spinner avatars: one of the few opportunities of getting an avatar for free and they could also be purchased. One thing doesn't have to exclude the other. You can cater to everyone, both rich people and free to play. Be fair and give players fair opportunities.
    We all were new players once and we know that these changes make things seem so impossible if you just arrived here. If these updates are already super discouraging for me, it must be ten times worse if you're new. And this is the opposite of growth, because I would've thought growing also means encouraging people to stay, not pushing everyone away.

    I agree with a lot that has been said here and fully support the NoMoneyMarch idea.
    For now, I can say all of this makes question if this game is worth it. If things keep going this route, the answer is probably no.
  18. I wish I could see these ads y’all are talking about, I’ve never seen anything that misleading.
    Quantum likes this.
  19. I’m only here because I fell for the “customize your avatar” kind of ad. Little did I know that instead of customizing avatars, it was pay through the nose for a chance at getting any of the thousands of different avatars, some of which might cost lots of money, some of which were almost impossible to get, and many of which are entirely impossible to obtain at this point.

    The ads were misleading, and for a game where the avatars are a major draw, it’s downright depressing how hard it’s become to earn them.

    leaderboard avatars are restricted to a mere handful of people.

    shard avatars require the massive expenditure of credits or trading and of course to trade, you need resources like bentos which aren’t free either.

    box avatars require keys which require credits and which are basically a legalized form of gambling—will you get your avatar after one box, or fifty? How much money are you willing to spend on it?

    lite boxes are also a gamble, and just as frustrating.

    so in the end, the only “guaranteed” avatars come from stories, and well, now those are much harder to obtain.

    nevermind all the avatars available only to those who spend lots of credits/money in the shop, through subscription plans, legacy boxes, buddy boxes, whatever.

    even though the ads were misleading, I’ve stuck around as long as I could feel some sense of accomplishment from the hunts, but now that we’re not even getting that, and now that ATA is taking away more free avatars and charging actual money for them, what’s the point of playing? I’m not a whale capable of blowing hundreds of dollars a month, so this isn’t the game for me, as far as I can tell.

    I figure I’ll see what the next hunt brings, or if ATA makes any improvements in the very near future, but... eh, there are other games to play if need be.
  20. I wasn't even looking for this, I've never even seen PIMD mentioned on the website that was on (and visit nearly every day), this was actually shared by someone making fun of the ridiculous ab situation 😅