I would like to expand on this now that my initial shock has worn off. I can understand maybe offering one set of avis as a purchase bundle, but 60 dollars is (hopefully) way more than anyone would be spending for an avi with nothing on the side! Btw v cute lil geckoππ
ATA... You have such a strong playerbase of people who support this game, but you continue to let us all down. What the hell is going on? Could you please give us an explanation before you lose ALL you've worked for on the many many years of this game
Idk how much it is American but the most expensive one in canadian is $85...spinner avis were always offered for sale but even then the most expensive one was only $50 canadian like wtf
Who's idea was it to make us pay for the months avis? I wouldnt even mind If they were reasonably priced but Β£60 !?!?!?? No sir.