Come Back Please 🙏

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Everlyann, Nov 3, 2019.



  1. Flashback Events?

    4 vote(s)
  2. Rare Oldies Event?

    19 vote(s)
  1. TRADABLE AVAS !! Yes please .. no need to do old hunts for items they had shit stats
    And some other old hunt items are tradable .. so you can buy them from others and
  2. /permban
    Muschi likes this.
  3. What
  4. Agian Yuck🤢
  5. I Love the fact that this is stiring some people up so cute😍
    IM JUST here to point out there are old things that some have yes but This game is old and US new players who are not old and Stinggy Want some cool retro stuff why is there so much hate from the same people so silly 🤣 Cut✂️it out 🤣😂 Killing me with your salty comments 😏So much love⭐ I asked for opinion not thought out statements at witch you think YOU KNOW the pimd team will donyou never know unless they say no and secound of all if your gunna be a salty nasty gross mean jerk get OFF my threads Thankss i said opinion on what you might want to come back ! Not on how you got salty little wounds and decided to be nasty! Seriously STAY off my stuff Bunch of nasty Nancy's up in here lol🤣 Ty I'm pretty postive I told you to learn some people skills still not seeing them.🤣
  6. Name-calling isn't really nice either. You're better off ignoring comments that you don't like, because you continue to fuel the fire when you respond ー especially when you go on the attack back at them.
    Empress_, Sleepy and Ciara like this.
  7. NaStY nAnCy

    You're the one with tude. If you don't want push back don't come to forums little girl
  8. I don’t think it’s fair to get so angry at people giving their opinions on your thread after you asked for comments.
    Sure there are older avis I’d like to get but I’d rather focus on the new content ata keep bringing out instead of going back to something that’s already been done before
    Empress_, Sleepy, Ciara and 3 others like this.
  9. Says the 1 who saying yuck to every one who don't agree with you. You asked for opinions it's what you got. n I am learning how to talk I go talking dr chick every week apart from this week
    Ciara and Muschi like this.
  10. This comment right here bugs me see I AM about feed up with how Stingg older players are kinda mak a bit sick 😷 See i knofor a fact that this game runs
    I would have to say yuck if the comments where not absolutely pointless or not what i asked agian they did not give me what I asked for lol Saying that the pimd team will not do this is not giving an opinion that's a jerk statement 👈 And assuming . You know what they say about people that just assuming things.🙄🙃 That exsplains so much 🤔
  11. So much effort 🙄
  12. Anyone elts Want something to make a come back??
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    #1Today at 1:38 AM

    This does not say Give your Opinion...
  13. Pritty sure ata have said no before
  14. There's been threads about this kinda shit sinse before your acc even ixisted
  15. @EverlyAnn Lot of players have requested for ATA to bring back old items, avis, bags, and gifts whatnot before you. Suggestions like yours have been made and it doesn’t get supported. Period.

    Don’t take it the wrong way but forum is a public platform to state your opinion and have an open discussion. It is for everyone, so when people disagree with you don’t go around acting like brat. Please do not embarrass yourself.
    Empress_, Bellissima, Ciara and 5 others like this.
  16. Your posts seemed interesting, that’s all
  17. Mmk
  18. The way you speak is so cringe
    iDeadman, bb, Ciara and 3 others like this.