Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Oh no, don't cry :'(
  2. I wake up drowning in my own tears
  3. How can I post myself
  6. ?
  8. Nice of you, but he knows how to post :(
  9. O, sorry.

    You can post yourself by entering into a box big enough for you, and then asking a family member to bring you to the post office and post you away. Do bring some bubblewrap to keep you safe and entertained.

    Note: I am not responsible for your suffocation inside the box.
  10. I'd prefer you to suffocate me with your cactus
  11. My cactus is too good for you, sors.
  12. OOH BABY?
  13. OH DAYM!!
  14. Ur so pretty omg
  15. Mmmmm freckles
    Love the septum piercing!
  16. What the world sees.


    The real me.. 6 hours later.. A pj wearing  that buys socks from McDonalds instead of nuggets ?
