Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. 
  2. This TEA burning...
  4. :lol: chill
  5. :lol: I freaking love this guy!! Lol no homo
  6. I'm not saying you're lying, but on the balance of probabilities... That statement is unlike to be true:


    But you know ...

    That was like last year[/quote]

    And you still claim that you and your friend playing the guitar are 23...[/quote]

    IM 23 and the girl is my friend Stetsons little sister grace  she's 16 I think..[/quote]

    So let me guess this straight so we have an honest understanding. You're your friends, twice removed, backdoor slop, who has pretty much circled the block about five times, now wait I feel like we're missing something.

    *Rubs chin*

    Got it, you're a community bicycle :D
  7. Lemme finish this cup first, cause Julie think she got something on Ashley cause she "slept" with her exs
  8. Catfishes, "dead" hoes, exposes, banter
  9. No just 3 times.. 
  10. Want me to post a pic lol I ain't a chick, clearly was born with a very valuable object. Nor am I obscene or an idiot lying about who I am. Thanks for playing :3
  11. Hi Julie
  12. That rp was A1

    " *Rubs chin* "
  13. Can't see anything?

  14. He came to Orlando in January 
  15. Soooooo you had to buy the ticket for him to come screw you? Or am I reading the email wrong?
  16. The pic doesn't show that?

  17. No his friend Kevin sent me the pic after he purchased the tickets

  18. Vali is real XD
  19. January? ITS JUNE HONEY BOO BOO, keep it recent :roll:
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