Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Imagine-BlackBeauty, May 20, 2014.

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  1. People think about this. Yes murderers get killed but what about innocent people? There are over 100 people that have been sent to deathrow that were later found innocent. And I belive about 20-50 have been killed and were found innocent.
  2. If you can get into their head, you can help differ their mind...
  3. That's just like following the age old rule 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.'

    As we become more civilized we realize that killing someone is never justifiable.

    So, no.

    But then again..
    Since we have a more humane system as to how people on death row are to die(Lethal injection as opposed to the electric chair.), yes.

    ,_, So I'm basically on the fence about it.
  4. Keep it. Gotta get revenge. ;)
  5. Til i come push you off said fence

    This ones for the fat kids!!!
  6. Stupid logic. Lol

    Kill a murderer because he killed. GG Earth. Intelligent planet. Well played.
  7. An eye for an eye makes the world blind.....
  8. Only if there is solid proof cause you don't want to end up killing an innocent man....
  9. No way....and eye for an eye makes the whole world one has the right to take someone's life away
  10. Bleach you dick rider you made your point earlier

    Now youre back copying someone elses exact words

    Go back to rp land
  11. I personally think that it should be thrown out. I mean, sure, they've killed someone and yes, they do deserve to be punished for what they did. But if you apply the death penalty to them, is that not just as bad as being the murderer him/herself?

    Everyone deserves a second chance, even murderers. I'm not saying that you should let them just roam free after they killed someone, but to me, I think a life sentence in jail is already enough. And besides, not everyone who gets sentenced a death penalty is guilty. Some of them may be actually innocent. But by the time you figure out that they're innocent, guess what? They're already dead.
  12. Op is just trying to piss everyone off with these controversial topics 
  13. A life sentence in jail is bad enough?  Lmao if you're gonna maim someone, bloody them until their loved ones are forced to have a closed casket service or sexually assault some poor innocent you don't deserve a bed and four meals a day. I personally say lock them in a cage.  Let the victim (and in the case they are deceased or fearful) let the victim's family have at them.

  14. I don't want people to fight I just like to hear the opinions of people. I'm a double major criminal justice and sociology major, the study of people and society. I'm just interested in views of society.
  15. I don't think anyone has to say who lives or dies but I do think they should work their asses off, they could have them clean up neighborhoods and stuff like that
  16. Keep the death penalty. So many places have gotten rid of it, claiming it to be cruel punishment. I personally think it keeps down the violent crime rate, and there's been some proof that it does. Texas still has it and they have the lowest amount of violent crime in the US.
  17.  y u making so many threads now?
  18. "Kill 10, your a murderer. Kill 1000, your a war hero."
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