what's the funniest status message u have ever seen

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *divinewolf (01), Feb 22, 2012.

  1. "Click to input message."

    If I hadn't known better, I would click it. Wait. Did I click it? 
  2. I'm voting for what Dawn chose lmao!

    Melons. .-. Big juicy ones. .-.
  3. :lol: idk what my fav is
  4. Mine is sticks and stones will break my bones but my foot up ur as is rlly gonna hurt
  5. Well on fb my friend put:

    "I wasn't drunk"
    "Dude, you saw my grandpa and yelled Dumbledore, you're alive!"

    I thought that was pretty funny XD
  6. You guys should see mine......
  7.  Um, Ew?

    Didn't your momma ever teach you how to treat a lady with respect? Pregnant or not, that would be seriously wrong.

    Someone should tell that pregnant lady to whip you ass 
  8. that's a pretty fucked up status penn
  9. Relax, I wouldn't do that unless she was my wife, and no I don't really think it counts as a threesome. I respect your opinions though, we all have a different sense of humor, mine just happens to be darker.
  10. Dr is right I guess it is an opinion