CURRENT EVENT 🌳 The Wisdom of the Trees 🌳

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Villanel, Feb 25, 2025.

  1. I love it, but I already have a feeling the avi I want to leaderboard
  2. Please no... I'm so tired of naked avis...
  3. No more pointy ears! 😑
    Give us dwarves hobbits and halflings!!!
  4. As one of Irish ancestry and lineage -- as well as having a passion for fae lore -- the theme and its overall aesthetic make my heart glad! πŸ₯°πŸ«Ά
  5. elvish and fae lores*
  6. Honestly it's cute, avatars are pretty, pro item is +
    Victorious and Psyche like this.
  7. hello, can you guys please look on a bug where the PPOTD (Cosplay Pro) does not drop the supposed Boome the Bear stat item?
    Psyche, PeachyMegs, QZ and 7 others like this.
  8. I love the avis, but I feel like some of the ears are too small and placed too low.? Idk might just be the artist in me, I just think it's odd since they're supposed to be Elven and elf ears can be small or large or long, so.. maybe a bit of variety for the ear types would be nice.
  9. The avi I want is main story!!! Yesss!!!
  10. I've literally never seen a lazier pose in an avi.
  11. We've had BDSM. πŸ™„
    Mythical likes this.
  12. I thort yous said last time that not changing timers anymore and the time of day for reset just changes. So no time should be lost at all
  13. Gorgeous πŸ₯°
  14. Honestly ata, with all the surveys we're asked to fill, can't you do better than another recycled fairy/elf shtick? What happened to making a mean girl or BDSM hunt?
  15. Go back to the other recent hunts that’s all everyone wanted 😭
    DeathBecameHer likes this.
  16. Anyone elses daily xc not showing up?
  17. Yeah mine isnt either
  18. Literally didn't even realize just upgraded a bunch of furniture an did some other requirements just to see I didn't get any points cause well it's not there πŸ’€ is it coming back?
  19. Collectathon hasn't been showing up either, nor has the Spotlight.
    Aruri likes this.