It's interesting you imply I can't do both 😂 I can enjoy the game alongside a healthy life, but thanks for your concern boo xoxo
The thing that pisses me off the most about this alt banning ordeal is that harmless alts go poof but you could still see the scamming alts forever posting in camp & pub. Lol
Alts not bots, I get the bots 'cause they're auto-generated. I'm referring to the alts that clearly have an active human OP. They only ever get silenced but not banned even after multiple scam reports.
I've also had my solo club alt get banned where I ran a test of the Mansion Mayhem Party, and one of my active daily alts who held my painter items for trade get banned. 😔 Same messages, and even though I told the dev on the help ticket I wasn't looking for an appeal just some questions about what the specifics are for the cause of this they gave me automated messages that entirely side stepped what was being asked. I've gutted our club bank who hosts bi-monthly raffles for the club out of fear they're next on the hitlist and dumped all of our banks funds from the prezzy for our BF event onto my main also out of fear. The TOS is incredibly vague on the purpose/use of alts that are acceptable vs unacceptable. ATA themselves have said alts are okay as long as they are realistically playable and they still got my alt who was active every day with 2fa enabled.
If you were able to unlock cat cafe with only your own army of alts, that's too many alts... Clubs are clubs... A social hub... Not your farm.
Icebergs. Don't get mad that you can still see the tip foating. It will inevitably be the last to go.
I think what a.t.a did is good and their algorithm achieved their goals pretty well. While there may have been some edge cases, they probably left those open for appeal. It is a tremendously good thing for the game's economy and health and all of our user experiences that they did what they did and your grievances really cannot outweigh that or taint my opinion of the action. If anything, they also got rid of some other regressive behaviours. Club banks? Spoiler: What's wrong with them? which people always skim from and scam their clubs Solo clubs? "Alt clubs"? Alts for showing off your dorm? Trade alts? It isn't how you use a main account or a secondary account when you have an active alt. Ban em all! 🤗🦚😈 BUT keep fighting if you had a genuine alt banned. If your intel-built, second hand with a decent miscellaneous bonus and cf count, was lost: Fight like hell! Otherwise thank a.t.a for finally pulling their finger out and addressing this terrible issue.
So every alt holding the event clubs where people host bbbs and ec flashes at should also have that account banned? How's that gonna do anything to help user experience when they're such a large part of the game? I'm not against a huge ban wave of alts, and I'm not against ATA having critera that deems what is okay and what is overboard. I am against the TOS being incredibly vague and then saying we've made some TOS violations when there's hardly anything in there about alts for people to follow the rules on them.
Yes. BBB's and flashes are a pox on this game. What a terrible example. The more we can do to stop them from happening, the better. The ToS are vague. That's often a problem.
What you solo'ing? Pizza pop art? When people say they're unlocking to solo, that implies they're unlocking cat cafe and dog star.
My friend shared a screenshot of his alt account got banned. It was so weird that the message that was showing on expelled notice screen was this “Account permanently banned due to ToS abuse - no appeals will be considered. RBI” Can someone explain me please what is that RBI thing at the end of the notification?
Dunno what does that mean but maybe i know why ATA need to ban ALTs... because their system is flooded with junk just like you used an alt to ask in forum... waste of space...