Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Cntrol, Aug 5, 2024.

  1. Hi guys and gals 🥺

    I quit & evicted my roommates back in 2017 and I return back to a totally different game. First I would like to say can someone direct me to the announcement about “Misc Cap” so I can read that myself, which I know it’s capped, but I still have a few unanswered questions.

    Secondly, how the fudge do I get strawberries for my animal!! 😩 I ask campus and they treat me worse than my supervisor. My stats refuses to get me into a decent club, can’t believe dropping stats is no longer part of the game and the beauty of watching stats drop during farming is no more.

    Shouts to
    00 Steven’s Haream
    Club Rehab
    Bad Attitude
    & that’s all the relevant OG clubs and my useless thread has ran its course 🫡 P.S be nice down there 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
    -MIZU-, HisLastCookie and flameSy like this.
  2. Club Rehab with MrGemini. Sorry inactive man.

    Almost forgot that hottie ☹️🌞
  3. But wait there’s more.

    Funny guy Dakota aka jesus-the_lawnmower I miss you cutie 🤭🤭😂🤡
    DarthMaul likes this.
  4. I remember you. I forgot your old name tho. Big something or other. There's a EC club I can recommend but there's a huge waitlist.
  5. I considered the EC club, but I didn’t want to go back to what made me quit. Don’t get me wrong now, I’m not struggling in life and I have a stable career 🙁 Had to break my habit of investing here. Recently purchased a few DNs to SF some noob and that was a trap. I want to avoid the investment. Unfortunately… can’t do that here. The $$ makes this game fun.
    Victoria likes this.
  6. Yes indeed, the idiot -BlG_Savage-

    I thought about going back but as far as my brain works I created an alt to hold the name.
  7. You get special pet items every 5 levels of a pet. So you gotta keep leveling up other pets
  8. I think this is the one you're looking for? It goes over misc rebalance, matchmaking and peace tags. (Note that a few of these adjustments were overturned in October in this thread)

    For the second question, you basically need to UG other pets as well as your equipped pet. This guide has the specific drop types that can come from each pet supply box, but you get the drops at random so you might need to level a few different pets to at least L5.
    Croatia and Kefo like this.
  9. Checking that out now!

    Thank you much 🙂
  10. I tried selling my misc to someone and got scammed 😂 which was 1.2bcs. I assumed my cap went up whenever my misc goes up.

    If I understood correctly, your cap is where it’s at whether you get more misc or not. I guess being scammed didn't harm me with this update 😆
  11. Wow, this happened in 2019!!

    It hurts they nerfed misc. Misc was OP af, I guess they’ve decided to make the peace permanent since the thread stated it was a “Test”
  12. You're welcome to join my club, I just started it since I just came back like 2 or 3 months ago and so far it's just me myself and I, but I want to start recruiting and setting up rules and stuff soon but I'm just busy with work in the mornings and then busy with the wife at night. Unfortunately I'm making it a party club since its the best form of income but still.
  13. :0 Savage!!!
  14. Thanks, missed this quote!
  15. Hello 🥺 Hope I was nice to you.
  16. Big savage. I recognise that name. I was MadameBewbs and have only recently returned myself
  17. Ppl r so fake these days... Everyone just wants to be on top and it's actually annoying
  18. Can’t believe you made it back. Should become a Mod again 🌛🫶🏾
  19. To be on top you must have the most tuts, misc and strongest club that’s willing to fight. 🌞
  20. Lmaooooo no thank you 🌚🤣