I’m 37mcs and I’m in the top 50 of the PvP lb. It’s more than doable. Big stats aren’t the only ones getting cameras
never said they were just saying that’s it’s a big easier for them than us, unless you are on PIMD all day which i’m not.
Buncha crybabies 🙄 Getting hit is literally not hurting you at all. If anything, it's HELPING you. Yet you wanna cry and cry and cry and demand an option to "opt out." Waste a peace tag then. And I say "waste" because, again, you are not losing cash/energy, and you get rewards for losing cams. The only thing that's happening when you get hit is you're getting notifications. 'Oh, nooo, the notifications, they're gonna get me!"
Honestly , I think it’s easier for smaller stats. A ton of people on lb are targeting each other. I’m too small for most to take mine on the lb. I’m not hitting any of my friends, you just gotta go and find people. I regularly find people in my range with 300+ cameras. If you don’t want to put time into the lb, then ofc you’re not gonna do well in it.
no I definitely been doing that been my luck at gathering cams haven’t been the best so I stopped going for LB. hitting ppl with 200+ & get like 3-11 cams so 😭 I was like fuck it
You have to find your sweet spot. People slightly bigger than you. 300-400 cameras. I’ve taken 100 cameras in one hit a bunch of times
I really love this hunt. Great avatars, furni and misc. I've been waiting for another pvp hunt! Very happy to see one! I do wish pvp lb had an avatar, but I always want new avatars. I like that at least there is a separation in the lb by having one be avatars and the other misc, and I think it makes sense that the pvp lb contain misc.
Pvp lb certainly can be, 'regular' hunt lb it depends on how popular the hunt is. I have been in t10 a couple of times and t100 several, but have never spent $500 to lb, though this is from a 'money spent during the hunt' perspective. I have spent money on my account over the years that leads to more consistently reaching certain hunt tiers with more rewards, saved these rewards, bought things on sale and used them later for a lb, et cet. I know I had spent less than $500 overall on my account on my first lb- which was pvp, although it was the first pvp hunt so it was years ago. Pvp lb has always cost me less because a more complicated element of strategy and resource management can be applied.
Help, I did the PVP 50x twice in a row and now its not activating anything. Im not getting the PVP quest again. Its stuck on a remoe component 💀
Bro, last night I came on to the pvp quest having a countdown of 2hrs 48min. Now I'm wondering whether the pvp quests were actually 3hrs in duration the entire time😂💀 Then this afternoon, the pvp quest popped up when I still had the blue box to open. I'm curious about what occurs when someone attempts to use their Access Key to obtain a blue box when one is still present in their showcase. Not gonna test that out myself though.
$500 was an exaggeration. The point being that the leaderboard on this game is generally unattaimable for f2p players just because of how many people spend to get on there in the first place. I agree completely that PvP leaderboards tend to be more attainable than regular hunt leaderboards. In general, we don't mess with the leaderboard. We don't even try to comolete the main story of a hunt because that core hunting experience is already out of balance and has been since early 2015. Leaderboard comes after it. Forget about it.
The whole point of leaderboards in any games like this is to make the company money. They do not care about anyone who is f2p. If you guys don’t get that by now idk what to tell you. Why do you think they did a pvp hunt right after 4oJ? During covid times I, personally, did hella lb and spent a lot of money just for other things to constantly come out that I wanted. I’ve since been able to tamp the urge to spend much of anything but when there was nothing else to do it wasn’t a big deal. Would I take some of them back just because I spent out of pure boredom? Yes lol but it was my choice at the time. These apps stay alive off these micro transactions from “whales”. This applies in every game where the goal is to get stronger or be the strongest. There will always be big spenders to replace the ones who stop. They don’t and will never care about the people who aren’t spending. Is it right? Not necessarily but it’s not that hard to recognize why either.
Oh, it'll just say that you can't claim another blue box. I forgot the exact message but it just says you already reached max. So you'll still need to open the blue box before you can use the access card to claim another xD