Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Did I say you were Ata no. listen just like every one is entitled to speak their fucking mind like yours just like I'm entitled to mines .. then to have audacity to tell me calm down shit happens that's problem that doesn't resolve shit .. Furthermore

    Secondly I have been on this game lot longer then you . I don't give af how big headed mfs kissing ata ass on this game and speaking on getting worked up over if it that ain't deep keep it moving simply Ata knows what's up I'm speaking on things that needs be brought to forefront not hush while majority spending money on this game like me I think this Queen speaks for her ownself at end of the day This is beyond 1 basic bug ok ..
    Kefo likes this.
  2. The best way to bring it to their attention is through the help system, they don’t regularly check forums threads so will most likely miss it. We’re just here to try to help obviously if the basic troubleshooting issues don’t fix it it is a bigger problem. I also wasn’t saying it doesn’t exist because I have never experienced it, this will be my last reply as I feel as though anything that is said is being twisted. Hopefully your issue gets sorted, enjoy your day.
    Muschi likes this.
  3. So then send a help ticket. No one here can do anything to fix your issue. Tell them the things you have tried. Give them as much detail as possible. If you want them to be able to try fix it.

    But then also you gotta relize not everything can be fixed. Sometimes things are just fuckd. Thats when you gotta just harden up and deal with it. Or if you dont like it then just uninstall and play a different game instead then you dont have to deal with it at all

  4. I'm going to be bigger person an apologize from coming off rude .. I meant never to take any frustration out anyone I understand where you guys are coming from and took certain things out of proportion..some of things you said you have a point . I don't want for anyone to feel like damn all you guys was trying to help an my ass was being such a bitch.. it's was robotic message . It was extremely frustrating that I got to this point and immature part of me life So far I haven't experienced the persistent issues on their end . I'll let them know like thousands tickets i sent over the years regarding this matter and others matters they themselves can make changes.. For us Customers sometimes for most part we are always right keep improving on this imaginary fairytales illusion game that we the people sometimes like to spend our hard earned money and play so people could be satisfied or whatnot about this game ..BTW I been on a break I just came back after having a baby my bad 🤭
  5. Okay I understand that you were trying to help an all you do the same np
  6. Sure but their customer service is also very slow, is often unhelpful, and thus frustrating... Like the only channel to get help is through the help section but they're so slow and they rarely look at forums....
    How else can we get help with these issues?

    I have been trying to get help from the devs for the last 3 weeks and they haven't come through.
    Queen-_-Roses likes this.
  7. They get hundreds of tickets a day. It takes time to help everyone
  8. Then they need more people. Scott you became such a simp. Waiting 3 weeks for a response is not good enough for any customer support service.
    Muschi and Queen-_-Roses like this.

  9. It shouldn't take long but it does with them Ata them know they could rectified a situation from any time ..Their services has always been slow lagging for the most part and then we've ppl like you waiting was 3 weeks for a response back from them .. I'm not finite to wait for Ata with their boogie ass to respond back to ticket they get just about every other day it's ridiculous atp if you're waiting longer for a response that what makes things so frustrating to understand where Ata & they team of moderates be coming from even though some of them moderates aren't much help either it is out of their hands even though they are watching this with their eyes..They offer the same thing we pimds players suggest to others the same to put in a ticket like that's going to help furthermore the situation at hand . That's why I spoke so highly about them making changes improving these things over years like many being disregarded.. Ata them grew a big head over the years with their greed that's whole another topic for them .. they get millions of response regarding their expensive app we supporters customers an others have made ..They wouldn't been nothing without us .. Multi-million dollar corporations sucking the blood and taking people souls from their games half of these things they be coming up with is ridiculous full of greed
    Kefo likes this.
  10. Not really. I just dont give a fuck anymore and dont expect anything.

    They went on about common sense earlier. But common sense would also say if havnt heard back after a few days - a week then to send another message to check in. Aint my fault they didnt do that. Ive never had to wait longer then 2 days for a response.

    Or if op is getting ignored then they probly been a fuckwit to much from their 'thousands of tickets' and made ata nope out
  11. Alleged #1 ATA simp here agreeing. The new ticket system was supposed to help devs be able to answer tickets faster, yet I hear even more complaints now about endlessly waiting weeks for responses than I did before.
    Kefo likes this.
  12. How do you use the fuzzy studies furniture orbs??
  13. You dont. You missed out. They do nothing now
    Muschi likes this.
  14. Unfortunately they expired at changeover; you were able to redeem 42 of them in Molly's Corner for an exclusive desk and 499ecs.
  15. I was wondering how suspensions and bans work in pimd? I recently got suspended for not specifying 18+ when asking for rp, now I'm new so hopped on the band wagon as I noticed many people do, and well ive seen almost everyone else doesn't specify, I assumed everyone was of age on here and thought nothing of it. Any rules or anything would be great to know since I'm not trying to violate any in the future
  16. Most rp doesnt need age specified. Anything sexual or 'adult' content (drugs, alcohol ect) age must be specified.

    Even tho pimd is 17+ and pub is 18+ there are still kids who play this game trying to be rebals or whatever playing a game they arnt old enough for. Ata has a duty of care to put things in place to at least try protect them. And thats why theres 0 tolerance around it.

    A silence is temporary. A ban is permanent.

    If you want to know all the specific rules read the terms of use. But most of it is basic common sense of. Dont be a fuckwit. Dont share 3rd party services....
  17. You can find the silencing policy here, I recommend reading it to avoid further silences. Anything sexual that mentions young/younger without specifying 18+ will get you a silence
  18. I have a question. Could someone please explaine how I violated the terms by posting selling starred wall me offers in campus. Yes I realize I spelled starred wrong but how does that result in getting silenced. I’m confused.
  19. Send a help ticket if you think your silence was wrong
    Muschi likes this.
  20. Could you have possibly used the club announcement feature?