Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Reload the game. The last 1 i had it show up again when i next loaded the game even tho i already did it.
    Or you can send a help ticket and they will give you a link
    StrongDreamer and Muschi like this.
  2. Can I get a price check on dorm of horror blooded carpet lvl 2 and last resort mirror lvl 1 ? Please and thank you
  3. Any chance we will be getting a BF Story Pass?
  4. Assuming this year's BF hunt will be similar to previous years, it'll probably be introduced on BF (i.e 24Nov), tgt w new shard avis and promo
    Sleepy_kitsune likes this.
  5. How do we trade the necromantic rituals?
  6. They were hunt drops so cannot be traded
    Muschi likes this.
  7. How do I get more drops
  8. From hitting party of the day, pro party of the day or extra credit parties (cats, dogs and kinis). Also by making sure you have max plunder, you can find more info on that in this guide
    Muschi likes this.
  9. I was about to purchase my first T9 dorm mate. I'd like to know if I should get a dorm mate with equal amount of Strength and Intelligence. Or should I get a dorm mate with more strength/intelligence and just save up to get another dorm mate eventually; the opposite strength/intelligence so that they even each other out eventually.
  10. Theres a thread in guides that says all the pros and cons of strength build, intel build and even build.

    Most common is strength build tho if that helps
  11. I've been getting none of the drops for the story pass since I finished the task collecting about 4000 of chimera (in my case it's snake). Is it possible that I can only get the drops during the task collecting chimera or am I experiencing glitch here?
  12. Once you get to a task that doesn’t require chimeras it stops dropping the snakes.
    Muschi likes this.
  13. Thanks
  14. Does anyone know what box the cheer-leading captain avi is from?
  15. You might be able to locate the avatar in this database.

    If not, do you maybe a photo of the avi in question or can give the IGN of someone that has it equipped? I can think of quite a few cheerleader avis so being able to see a visual would help figure it out.
  16. Does anyone know what's been up with messaging? It'll put messages in between/before other messages that were already sent and same goes for posting in campus/pub
  17. Yeah, it's glitched out for what appears to be everyone. I'm sure the devs are working on a fix.
  18. How do you get a gold pass?
  19. Executive or higher can buy them. They cost ec to buy. Ask your admins on their rules around them
    Muschi likes this.
  20. Why isn't there a way to get free ec. Why isn't there a daily login. And why is the company trying to suck the players pocket dry.