NEW CONTENT 🦖Molly's Cute and Cozy Social Box is here!🛌

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Dec 2, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Molly is back and she brought friends to showcase her new Social Box!






    New PUNNY Items

    Collect enough to reveal the hilarity!

    All the Colours!

    These new Colour Items are the coziest around!


    Content Moving to the Social Legacy Box

    The following content is LEAVING THE SOCIAL BUDDY BOXES
    and moving over to the



    Y2K Cutie
    Y2K Cutie (VIP)
    Y2K Kid
    Y2K Kid (VIP)
    It Takes 2000
    It Takes 2000 (VIP)
    Keep It 2000
    Keep It 2000 (VIP)
    Y2K with Me
    Y2K with Me (VIP)
    Everything's Gonna Be Y2K
    Everything's Gonna Be Y2K (VIP)
    Millennium Model
    Millennium Model (VIP)
    Millennium Mate
    Millennium Mate (VIP)


    R U Y2K Walls
    R U Y2K Floor
    R U Y2K Motivational Mirror
    R U Y2K Floral Art
    R U Y2K Table Lamp
    R U Y2K Sunny Light
    R U Y2K Bedside Table
    R U Y2K Wall Mirror
    R U Y2K Potted Cactus
    R U Y2K Tunes of 2000
    R U Y2K Bed
    R U Y2K Sofa
    R U Y2K Desk
    R U Y2K May the Corgi
    R U Y2K Wavy Mirror
    R U Y2K Sitting Nook
    R U Y2K Looks and Leaves
    R U Y2K In the Bag
    R U Y2K Bean Bag Chair
    R U Y2K Bookshelf
    R U Y2K Carpet

    Animal Pun Items

    Building Blueprint
    Locked Padlock
    Little Church
    Big Blue Ribbon
    Dubious Dating App
    Tricky Deck of Cards

    Best Place to get Social Boxes!

    Our web store offers EC/DN bundles that give up to 3 BFF/Legacy Boxes! Check out the PIMD Web Store by tapping the image below!

    For The New Dormers

    What are Social Shopper Boxes?
    ☞ Colloquially known amongst the community as Buddy Boxes, Social Shopper Boxes are gift boxes that go out to a purchaser's entire club when they make certain EC or DN package purchases!

    How Do I Get One?
    You can get 'em one of two ways:
    1. Make a EC or DN package purchase yourself and receive a Box for you and for your Club Members!
    2. Receive one when someone else in your Club generously makes a EC or DN package purchase!
    You, as the purchaser, can earn one Social Shopper Box. There are four tiers, depending on which package you purchase: BFF, Super, Celebrity, OR Legend Boxes.
    Club members can receive either one of three different tiers: Buddy, Bestie, OR BFF Boxes.
    The $4.99 (USD), $19.99, $74.99, and $99.99 packs all have Social Shopper Boxes, with the buddy box being at the $19.99 value. The bigger the purchase, the sweeter the Box drops!

    K, But What's In Them?
    ☞ Special avatars, unique furniture, and rare items that combine into even rarer stat items. All these Box drops can only be attained through the Social Shopper Boxes!
    Check out our previous forum announcement for more information on these great Boxes!
    #1 ATA-Will, Dec 2, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
  2. So stinking cute! 🥰
  3. This is so cute omg
  4. Furniture is tots cute Avis are okay
    hooper and SierraStarlet like this.
  5. This is adorable!! 😍
  6. Me knowing I’ll never win the one I want let alone the right gender ever 🥸😃
  7. I equip masc avi before opening boxes to have higher chance of getting fem avi. It works most of the time! Try it out next time
    Vespid, _Kosha_, SuckitTrebek and 5 others like this.
  8. Love the avis in the dino hoodies
    xBabyBunnyx likes this.
  9. Don’t like the avis, the Dino’s having their faces and hair hidden just looks cheap to me, but the furni is cute :)
  10. VIP boxes are more than a month overdue for their update 🫥
    xXSunshineXx, --Tifa and Bisctits like this.
  11. Cute, though the furni feels like kawaii easter.
  12. I love this
    xBabyBunnyx likes this.
  13. imo it's great cause it gives me gender neutral vibes, which is missing most of the time with the half naked avis 🥹
    0-Felix-0, -Dreamer, Clione and 2 others like this.
  14. Meh. I’m all for neutral vibes, I’m genderqueer myself, but I just think they look unfinished.
    xXSunshineXx and SierraStarlet like this.
  15. Aight but where are the new vip box items 😭
  16. Selling soul for all of this, including my fav friends🥸 (jk jk ily)
  17. These are adorable!
  18. Legit though that's 2 Socials in since the last VIP 🥺
    Bisctits, Raine- and Grrchu like this.
  19. THIS is defo what Molly would have in her box🩷🥰
    SierraStarlet and MayaTheHopeful like this.