Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, May 16, 2011.

  1. Chill the fuck out
    AlyxKoobler likes this.
  2. Thank you 🙏
  3. Thank you 🙏😊
    Leigh likes this.
  4. Sorry, I was under a lot of distress and I responded inappropriately. I apologize. I did not mean to snap at you and I did. I am sorry friend. 🙏 I just feel overwhelmed when I get information that doesn't change what I already have. I need to work on my reactions and responding skills when under distress. I am sorry if I hurt you in any way, my apologies.
    Muschi likes this.
  5. I have small problem here.. yesterday my pay was 20+m per hit in party and today it's 18+m per hit.
    Can someone explain this to me
  6. It can depend on a few things. Like it could have been a different party, or the party could have been amped, or you could have acquired more tutors.
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Nope.. parties weren't amped, didn't aquire any new tutors and they were potd
  8. Assuming they were the same party, it was likely different bar since they yield different payouts initially.

    If that’s not the case though, I’d send in a help ticket if you think you were shorted payout.
    Anikuy and Muschi like this.
  9. I think the latter is the case
  10. That is the issue. You need more tutors or more money spent on the tutors you have. You are under max plunder by about 6b and thats why you are getting less money as you upgrade your stats
    Muschi likes this.
  11. Does anyone know if there's a way to "enter" in private messaging to seperate paragraphs?

    ^ Like that, as right now everything just is squished together and looks messy. Might be just because I am on a Android but do not know.
  12. Write them as seperate messages
  13. Hi, how do you write the messages in purple on campus chat? the ones where it’s a club message usually asking for lbh help. can’t figure it out on my own and can’t find anything else on forums on how to do them
  14. Press and hold on the green chat bubble icon. The message box's colors will invert and allow you to type the Club Ad. Check out my guide to chat channels! I share this information there and more.
  15. ah amazing! thank you :)
    Muschi likes this.
  16. I bought a lot of invites last hunt. I had a good amount leftover will I get the ec back for that 👀
  17. They typically auto convert iirc. If they haven't yet, I recommend sending a help ticket.
  18. I just came to realize a few months back that my old messages from PIMD are gone and only the newer ones are there. Does anyone know if there is a way to get those old messages back? Or are they just gone forever now :/
  19. Do you mean like messages from other players in PMs or do you mean old help tickets?
  20. Yes I mean messages that are in PMs, not help tickets.