Finding avatars SUCKS. Especially on android.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by RandomPaperGangster, Jul 7, 2022.

  1. Did ios get a update? Last time i seen a ios screenshot the numbers was in full. So that 4.3m would say 4,300,000
    Lite likes this.
  2. You’re right, I was just being dumb & sleep deprived 💀🤣🤣
    Android says 4.35mcs,
    iOS would say 4,350,000 for profile stats
    There’s some other examples that I’d love to share coz I’m a nerd and idc that no one cares, but my Android is far away, so until next time
  3. [​IMG]

    She’s a flyer, so she’s like < 90lbs
    DinosAreTheOldestCars likes this.
  4. Ata has actually fallen off the wagon on this. If you go to your profile- items it shows avis first but once you get to the newer hunt avis the stat items are mixed in with them so it is no longer chronological of avis | stats.
    renamed47291, Lite and _HeIium_ like this.
  5. That's less than half of what I am asking for, plus as someone has pointed out its not even chronological anymore.

    More than anything I don't want a workaround. I want a functional system.
    Witchee and renamed47291 like this.