(Art Competition) 🎨🎭🎬Strength💪 vs 🧠Intelligence🎶🖼️📃

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Kefo, Aug 22, 2021.

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  1. Welcome to the Strength vs Intelligence competition!!

    Tl;dr Make or write something inspired by the pimd builds to sell them to new players, teach ppl, or just for fun.

    How to compete?
    1) Read this thread

    2) Pick any/all builds you like and produce something inspired by them.
    It can be persuasive, educational, celebratory, argumentative, or anything else.

    You can submit any kind of media: avatar ideas, poems, descriptions, short stories, etc.

    They will be judged based on how informative they are and how vivid they are.

    3) Post it in the thread

    When you are posting an image⬇️
    Click on the marked 'Image uploading' button.

    After that⬇️
    Copy the image link (NOTE: The Image Link must end in .jpg or .png from that app you use, and after that paste the link on that bar in the above Image and press 'insert'.
    You will see the image will appear instantly then press the 'post reply' button to upload your reply.
    Thank you 🌹
    To post a video file

    1) Upload your video to youtube,
    2) Copy the URL to the image and then
    3) Press this button
    A text box will appear for you to
    4) Paste the URL into.
    5) Press the green embed button.

    4) How about scoring and prizes? How will they work?

    The main thing I am looking for are text-based descriptions of how they are in the game community however custom avatars for the developers are also more than welcome.

    Entries will be judged on the quality of the information and the vividness of its depiction.
    The official judges will be

    Mods have been invited to send mod crates to their favourite entrants.

    Minor prizes will be given to most entries.

    Donations will be added to the prize pool from people who are interested to see the results :)

    Competition ends September 30th!

    What is this all about?

    New players often struggle to decide how they would like to build their accounts. Your build matters for how you behave on PIMD. It is most relevant in PvP but someone's build can tell you a lot more about them than that.

    These days, avatars don't match their stats very often but it would be nice to give the devs some inspiration of strong or smart visual elements.

    Strength builds have muscular and domineering avatars and were easily identifiable as dangerous people. Scant clothing to show off their physique, menacing looks, etc.

    Intels have avatars that may be dressed well, demonstrating skills, slim or overweight, sometimes spectacled, and sometimes smirking.
    They wear their tricks and interests.

    Matching the traits of avatars to their stats has been an ongoing effort by the devs. While there are heaps of avatars being released all of the time, like a gacha game, we can still recognize the significance of the three archetypes of players in the game. As a counterpoint to the malaise of avatars being released full of different styles and fashions, I'd like to see players design avatars that conform to the original trifecta. The easily recognisable mascots of PIMD.

    The purpose of this thread is for us to celebrate that trifecta and to show our recognition of them!
    What does a strength build look like to you?
    What does an intel build mean to you?
    What is being even built all about?
    What is the point of mixing in a bit of this and a bit of that?

    You can submit any kind of media: avatar ideas, poems, descriptions, short stories, etc.

    The first criterion that entries will be judged on is Informativeness.
    Broken down into Accuracy and insight into mechanics and how different builds perform or what players expect from them. This should be able to teach new players something new.

    Example 1:

    Example 2:

    Intel avatars that look intelligent.

    Image creds to @AdalineRose, @-Toxy-, @LondonRapper, @TERROR-BadBoy-, @Little_Rogue, @SirPeanut

    The second criterion is Vividness.

    The vividness of the character expressed. How entertaining, how captivating, how much of a mood, and how easily understood your depiction is!
    I had @ililililtroublemakerlililililil write a short poem about strength builds that I thought was very vivid.

    Example 1:

    Strength Avatars that look strong

    Good luck to all participants!!! I look forward to seeing your great art!

    Tl;dr make some art inspired by PIMD builds!
    #1 Kefo, Aug 22, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2021
  2. Tdlr? I wanna play
  3. Make something based on intel or strength builds.
  4. Anything anything?
  5. Its a art comp so anything art related. Drawing. modeling. Sculpting. Whatever
  6. But what about that ? I need to upgrade or create avi?

    Sorry im totally confused.
  7. Yeah. Anything anything
  8. I explained it already and provided examples in the original post. 😕
  9. Sweet ima draw something in a bit
  10. Since I wasn’t an invited mod I can enter right 👀
  11. Yes!!
  12. ur examples are quite confusing from a quick glance.. for example, in the first part where you account for accuracy and insightfulness, you give 2 examples where one is just a one sentence example and then the other is all drawn out with and some paragraphs and avatars under. What are you trying to convey using 2 examples where only one is detailed and laid out? Also, kinda confusing what the collage of avatars are. Are we drawing them out or simply making a collage of them or either? Would also be useful imo to have a tl dr version at the bottom and some bb coding on the vividness/accuracy section to let those stand out outside of the examples

    “You can submit any kind of media: avatar ideas, poems, descriptions, short stories, etc.” should probably also be at the top when you explain the instructions and not in the middle.

    Good luck to everyone entering and nice of you to host this 💘
  13. Ah, oki oki! I'll update it with your feedback. Thanks Carol.
  14. Welcome to the Strength vs Intelligence competition!!

    Tl;dr Make or write something inspired by the pimd builds to sell them to new players, teach ppl, or just for fun.

    How to compete?
    1) Read this thread

    2) Pick any/all builds you like and produce something inspired by them.
    It can be persuasive, educational, celebratory, argumentative, or anything else.

    You can submit any kind of media: avatar ideas, poems, descriptions, short stories, etc.

    They will be judged based on how informative they are and how vivid they are.

    3) Post it in the thread

    When you are posting an image⬇️
    Click on the marked 'Image uploading' button.

    After that⬇️
    Copy the image link (NOTE: The Image Link must end in .jpg or .png from that app you use, and after that paste the link on that bar in the above Image and press 'insert'.
    You will see the image will appear instantly then press the 'post reply' button to upload your reply.
    Thank you 🌹
    To post a video file

    1) Upload your video to youtube,
    2) Copy the URL to the image and then
    3) Press this button
    A text box will appear for you to
    4) Paste the URL into.
    5) Press the green embed button.

    4) How about scoring and prizes? How will they work?

    The main thing I am looking for are text-based descriptions of how they are in the game community however custom avatars for the developers are also more than welcome.

    Entries will be judged on the quality of the information and the vividness of its depiction.
    The official judges will be

    Mods have been invited to send mod crates to their favourite entrants.

    Minor prizes will be given to most entries.

    Donations will be added to the prize pool from people who are interested to see the results :)

    Competition ends September 30th!

    What is this all about?

    New players often struggle to decide how they would like to build their accounts. Your build matters for how you behave on PIMD. It is most relevant in PvP but someone's build can tell you a lot more about them than that.

    These days, avatars don't match their stats very often but it would be nice to give the devs some inspiration of strong or smart visual elements.

    Strength builds have muscular and domineering avatars and were easily identifiable as dangerous people. Scant clothing to show off their physique, menacing looks, etc.

    Intels have avatars that may be dressed well, demonstrating skills, slim or overweight, sometimes spectacled, and sometimes smirking.
    They wear their tricks and interests.

    Matching the traits of avatars to their stats has been an ongoing effort by the devs. While there are heaps of avatars being released all of the time, like a gacha game, we can still recognize the significance of the three archetypes of players in the game. As a counterpoint to the malaise of avatars being released full of different styles and fashions, I'd like to see players design avatars that conform to the original trifecta. The easily recognisable mascots of PIMD.

    The purpose of this thread is for us to celebrate that trifecta and to show our recognition of them!
    What does a strength build look like to you?
    What does an intel build mean to you?
    What is being even built all about?
    What is the point of mixing in a bit of this and a bit of that?

    You can submit any kind of media: avatar ideas, poems, descriptions, short stories, etc.

    The first criterion that entries will be judged on is Informativeness.
    Broken down into Accuracy and insight into mechanics and how different builds perform or what players expect from them. This should be able to teach new players something new.

    Example 1:

    Example 2:

    Intel avatars that look intelligent.

    Image creds to @AdalineRose, @-Toxy-, @LondonRapper, @TERROR-BadBoy-, @Little_Rogue, @SirPeanut

    The second criterion is Vividness.

    The vividness of the character expressed. How entertaining, how captivating, how much of a mood, and how easily understood your depiction is!
    I had @ililililtroublemakerlililililil write a short poem about strength builds that I thought was very vivid.

    Example 1:

    Strength Avatars that look strong

    Good luck to all participants!!! I look forward to seeing your great art!

    Tl;dr make some art inspired by PIMD builds!
  15. Okay here's my first ever contest entry:

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I go full strength builds
    Because I have dns to strip you
  16. Tired
    Sitting across the Street
    I look at the row of weary faces

    various shapes, sizes, colors, ages,
    a horizontal explication of what it means
    to have woken many mornings

    to brave routine, to leave concerns at home
    along with scattered laundry and unwashed
    dishes to head for same/same at work.
    I picture each of you, one at atime. I try to
    observe without you knowing and suddenly I
    see round, soft faces, no creases in foreheads,
    no wrinkles like parentheses around eyes, no down-

    turned mouths, no slumped shoulders. I see the plump
    babies you once were. And with that, a rush of hoping

    that you were affectionally held on generous laps, that
    you were sung tender songs, that you were offered
    a bowl of blueberries as initiation to the messy pleasures
    of this world. I hope that occasionally you reach back,
    even if only briefly to recall your beginning self as a
    visitor new to the planet, unencumbered and dear.


  17. Cant even read that. Like any of it
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  18. Thats why i did that stupid hard work so you can't read it and troll brother😂🤣
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