️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Price check on « Window to the Emerald Isle » 999 please 😊
  2. Sm? Which sm ? I have smooth moves 999s
  3. Sm1 - someone 😅
  4. Haha that makes much more sense
  5. price check please
  6. Is there any thread where I can see pictures of dorm sets
  7. Hm does the 999 - Behind the glass mirror - sell for? Thanks
  8. Heya gang! I am new to forum and still learning how to navigate it, I apologize for errors. I am posting because I have been collecting furniture a long time and am ready to part with some of it.

    I have several almost completed dorms. Hit Like has everything but the 499. [ price check?]

    Smooth moves has both 999 options and is only missing the chair item. [Price check ?]

    I have 25+ beds from Salem vow, to FyU, NosDef, etc. Just as many bookcases & rugs. Several older more rare items including the Puzzle themed items and Rubix related things.

    I would love to trade with other collectors to complete more dorm sets, but am also willing to start cutting down on my inventory.

    Thank you for your time. Find me in game RUBiXMOOD add me, and tell me you found me on the forum and I will gift you for stopping by.

    Have a nice day 😊 xo neco

  9. PRICE CHECK FOR Nostalgia 999 & 499 that goes with it. ❤
  10. Do you mean Behind the Veil? If so, that’s Gothice 999 and should be about 25b since it’s a monthly 999
    M_ likes this.
  11. I believe I have seen the nostalgia 999 (it’s a tv with gaming controllers right?)
    If so then it’s gone for 25b, but I don’t think I know what the 499 looks like
  12. 10-11b, sometimes recycling (8-9b)
  13. Nice , dw just be active in forum and lurk everywhere to get more information about what you need . This is a main thtead of furniture prices + question.
    If you are looking for buying/selling of your furnitures please write on this Thread

    And if you want to buy/sell showcase items please write on this Thread

    And last one, if you have any game related question please write on this Thread

    Thankyou Hope you will find out soon where to post what.
    dejavudu likes this.
  14. Thanks! 💜💜 Yes, that's the one.
  15. price check on starlight comfort lv2 999 and ladders to the stars 999
  16. Pricecheck on Smooth Moves Desk?
  17. Both at lvl 1 tend to be 28-30b, so add 8-9b for lvl 2
    Non-Believer, panda-chan and xAri like this.
  18. 3-4b
  19. @no_normal
  20. I accidently deleted my wall messages, someone from forum visited and left a nice comment about this post I made. If that was you please add me and say hello 👋 have gifts for you.