Test Thread

Discussion in 'Fan Creations' started by -PA_KaramelApples-, May 13, 2018.

  2. Just helping a friend to know the spotlight xc.

  3. ok but this isn't true. first person to successfully eavesdrop doesn't get the spotlight. i successfully eavesdropped multiple times but never got the spotlight
  4. Many players try at the same time so maybe their Internet is fast and they get spotlight quickly. Maybe .idk
  5. Is that a Key in my pocket

  6. or am I just happy to see

  7. the hot chica that are here for me


  9. @Ass
  10. @ ass
  11. -INS_EL-L_Apache_G-MOD_RAW-IND
  12. How do you steal spotlight?
  13. This forum is for testing BB coding, you can ask your PIMD questions in this thread
    Intoxication likes this.
  14. [​IMG][/url] [​IMG][/IMG]